Greeting unto all, <br> I would like to thank all who attended our Gathering on Sunday the 1st. From the regional Fighter practice there was a great Display martial Prowess and and honor. There was gorgeous piece's being worked upon on the looms of skilled artisans. We had some wonderful women provide us with great period music. But most of all seeing your good friends was the true highlight.
<br> I would like to invite all my SCA friends and family out to the CeltFest in Odessa. If you have a Skill or a Project that you would like to display you will Certainly have a grand stage shine. Hone your blades and sharpen your whit before the tournament Season really starts with us on Sat 14 and Sun 15. Chivalric and Light fighter come and shine upon the glorious field of battle. Singers Bard's and Players come step forth and bask in the glory of smiling faces young and old.
<br><br>In Service <br>Brynach Ap Efflam <br>