[Wiesenfeuer] July populace meeting poll

Seneschal of Wiesenfeuer seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
Fri Jun 4 13:30:06 PDT 2021

Greetings Wiesenfeuer,

It looks like the SCA *may* be allowing in-person meetings starting July 1.
Our populace meeting will be July 12 due to the Independence Day weekend.
Do we want to hold an in-person meeting and, if so, where? Please respond
to the poll. If you aren't on Facebook, please respond to this email with
your preference. *Please do not respond to both.*

Option 1: Virtual populace meeting
Option 2: In person outdoors
Option 3: In person inside restaurant
Option 4: In person inside no-food

In Service,

Elric Dracwin
Wiesenfeuer Seneschal
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