[Wiesenfeuer] Populace Meeting

Seneschal of Wiesenfeuer seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
Mon Apr 4 20:03:34 PDT 2022

Greetings Wiesenfeuer,

We held our first in-person populace meeting tonight since the cold and
dark shut down our populace in the park meetings. We had at least 6-7 new
commers and 31 total attendees. It was great meeting everyone and talking
about their interests and the variety of activities possible in the SCA.

Word has come from our Principality Seneschal and the new Wiesenfeuer
Seneschal will be Lady Eadwyn. We will work together between now and the
April officers meeting to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Congratulations Eadwyn! And my sincere gratitude to our other candidates
for their willingness to step up and apply for the office. Having 3
applicants speaks loudly of the strength of our Great Barony.

In Service,

Elric Dracwin
Wiesenfeuer Seneschal
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