[Wiesenfeuer] Yule 2024 Bids open until June 21st

Seneschal of Wiesenfeuer seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
Mon Jun 17 19:00:57 PDT 2024

Just a reminder that we are currently welcoming bids for Event Steward(s)
for Yule 2024 until  Friday, June 21, 2024.

Wiesenfeuer Yule 2024 event will take place on December 21, 2024, at the
familiar location of Quail Springs United Methodist Church in OKC.

This timeline allows for review by the financial committee in late June,
with a decision to hopefully be announced at the July Populace meeting.

To apply as the Event Steward for Yule, kindly send your bid via email to
Their Excellencies at baron at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org and
baroness at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org.

Additionally, please copy the Treasurer at
treasurer at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org and the Seneschal at
seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org.

Please reach out of you have any questions.

My thanks.

Lady Lyra
Seneschal Wiesenfeuer
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