[Ansteorra-announce] Attention Shires, Colleges and Cantons

Timothy Rayburn timothy_of_glastonbury at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 13:10:33 PDT 2001

Unto the Shires, Cantons and Colleges of Ansteorra does Lord Timothy of
Glastonbury and Dama Anezka z Rozmitala send warmest greetings!

Would you like to win for your group a box of heraldic reference books?
 Would you like your group to have a copy of Withycombe, or Woulfe?
Here's your chance!

My lady and I have put together a box of prizes to be given to the
winner of a competition we are calling "Pursuivant's Pursuit".  The
competition is meant to involve every member of your group, and has for
a prize an ever growing pile of wonderful heraldic (and soon scribal)

In short, your group acquires points for certain activities, including
submitting charters to the Kingdom, helping with needed Regalia,
submitting devices, badges and achievements and the like.

The competition starts at Elfsea Defender this year, and ends at Elfsea
Springfaire next year.  A long contest, but worth it for well over 200
dollars worth of books.  If your interested in the details of the
contest, how to enter, what all is (currently) in "the box", and such,
just point your web browser at :


You may also email the coordinators at THEBOX at ELFSEA.NET with any
questions you may have.

We hope this is a prize worth competing for, and hope many of you will
attempt to win it.


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