ANST - P-word

Ron Brooks bjorn9 at
Wed Feb 18 15:00:00 PST 1998

>I admit I misremembered on the length of tenure.  Your statement 
>that the situation is even worse than I thought, and gives even more
>credence to the value of increasing the tenure period.  As I said in 
>first posting on this subject:
>	"Anyone who has ever had a job that involves supervising 
>others knows
>good and well that a high personnel turnover rate is a guaranteed 
>of expense, friction and ineffeciency.  It works that way in the
>military, at IBM, at McDonalds...anywhere you can think of.  Ease off
>the turnover rate of royalty, and a lot of the problems that drive the
>push toward principalities will solve themselves."
>In the dozens of postings that have flown across the net on this 
>today, no one has yet tried to refute this point.

I'm sorry but I guess I'll have to step in on this. I know I'll wish I
had continued to remain quite, but I just can't do it.

So if the solutions to all of our "problems" is that we don't keep our
royalty long enough, then why limited it to two years. I mean after all,
why not just have our present royalty reign for life. With any luck this
will be for at least  40 years.  

As has been said by others, one of the reasons for a six month reign is
to prevent royalty burn out. Yet another reason is if some one, or even
every one has a really active dislike of the crown, hey it ain't that

To change subjects, it is actually quite a ways from one end of the
kingdom to another. It is now 300 miles, or thereabouts from Adlersruhe
to Trelac. and they are both in the Western Region. Get a Texas map and
look at how far it is from Adlersruhe (Amarillo) to Stargate (Houston).
Yes, I know there are folks who go down there for events, and would
continue to do so if Ansteorra were made into principalities, or even
several kingdoms, but as the principalities gain more individual 
identity there will be more events to go to in your own principality or

Even now from spring through fall there is at least an event a month in
the Western Region. What with work and children I keep pretty busy going
to all of them, yet along 
traveling out of the Western Region.

>A long bow and a strong bow,
>And let the sky grow dark.
>The nock to the cord, the shaft to the ear,
>And a foreign king for a mark!
>      --  Stolen from "The Song of the Bosonian Archers"  --
>		     by Robert E. Howard, who should be		 
>		       the patron saint of Ansteorra

Now my friend, this is an interesting thought. Personally I like it. 
While I know you are not for it, maybe there is a nice principality name
in Robert E. Howard's name.

I hope that all that I have written has caused no hurt feelings, for such
was not my intention. Just trying to state my opinion on the subject. 

Bjorn Lochlannac
Barony of Bonwicke
Western Region
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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