[Ansteorra] Marking your property

kevinkeary at aol.com kevinkeary at aol.com
Mon Feb 22 10:31:55 PST 2010

Case in point.
There was a woman here in Northkeep, more a fringie than a newbie, at an event hosted by our then-shire that wore a cloth belt she had made herself, black with a red stripe running the length of the belt down the center. She thought it went well with the red-and-black plaid garb she made for the event, and was justly proud of her work.
A peer of the realm came to her and berated her for the belt, claiming that against the plaid the black outer stripes could not be seen and it LOOKED LIKE she was wearing the red belt reserved for a squire. Somehow the red half-inch stripe was more visible from a distance than the two outer black half-inch stripes. Go figure.
In anger and shame she left the event, the site, the shire and the Society.
In response several stronger-spirited members BEGAN wearing black belts with red stripes.
Some of us still do.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Buchanan <scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net>
To: Inc.Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 9:05 am
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Marking your property

Yes there are exceptions to the rule and the colors are not reserved.  However, 
elieve me, if a newbie is wearing a red, green or yellow belt and someone walks 
p to them and asks whose student they are, that newbie is going to be extremely 
LEASE tell your newbies that although the colors aren't reserved, please try to 
tay away from red, green or yellow belts.  It will avoid embarrassment and hard 
eelings.  Especially if someone walks up to them and asks in a nasty way.  I've 
eard it happen.

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