[Ansteorra-announce] Thank You

MU mu at ev1.net
Mon Jul 30 19:54:43 PDT 2001

To The Known World,

 I'm sorry if you receive this more than once.

When I joined the SCA about 10 years ago I was told about a wondrous Dream.
The Dream was different for everybody.
It could appear while standing victorious at Crown, while looking at your
masterpiece that won A&S, or while watching a new member's eyes light up in
For 10 long years I looked for this dream.
I have seen a lot of things along the way.
Some things good, some things not so good.
I finally found my Dream.
It was on June 25th 2001.
This was the day that we buried Bonnie Yarbrough.
During the funeral I looked around and I found it.
My SCA Dream is the SCA.
The SCA is a large family that goes beyond mundane barriers.
>From your best friend to the worst of the black sheep.
Everyone you see at SCA events is your brother and sister in this SCA
One family who stretches around the world.
One family who was grieving.

During the last several weeks there has been an enormous outpouring of love
from this SCA family to the family of Centurion Mu.
I have seen e-mails from people halfway around the world, who have admitted
that they never met Mu, letting him know that his family is in there
thoughts and prayers.
I have seen old friends of Mu's come out of the woodwork with physical,
psychological, & financial help that staggers my young mind.
But most impressive, I have seen members of our SCA family put
"disagreements" aside and lend a valuable hand.
This is normally the point where people thank everybody who contributed
during this time of hardship.
I can't do that.
There is no way that I could adequately thank anyone who helped Mu.
Every one that I know contributed money, time, or just showed support.
If you are reading this e-mail, you have helped in some way.
For this I thank you, my brothers and sisters, from the bottom of my heart.

 Yours in service to the Dream,


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