[Ansteorra-announce] Youth Rapier Tournament

Jennifer Toland jtoland at cengines.com
Tue May 29 17:06:07 PDT 2001

Greeting to all...

In a few short days the Canton of Gate's Edge will Host its twelfth Mid
Summer Faire (June 1-3), and this year we are sponsoring a Youth Rapier
Tournament which will be held in conjunction with the adult rapier
tournament Saturday morning.

Please make plans to join us for this glorious event and take part in all
the festivities we have planned including the Youth Rapier Tournament.

For more information visit our web page:

If you have any questions regarding the tournament contact our Rapier
Marshal Lord Ciaran O Neil p.toland at computer.org.

Hope to see you all there...

Lady Caelainn Comhraidhe
Gates Edge Minister of Children

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