[Ansteorra-announce] Wastelands Yule Revel and NR Fighter Practice

Aunt Dwen auntdwen at us.inter.net
Wed Nov 28 09:33:58 PST 2001

Greetings, One and All:

    This Saturday, Dec.1st, is Wastelands Yule Revel and Northern Regional
Fighter Practice.  Below is the text only of the ad which is in the Nov.
Black Star.  Anyone who wants/needs directions to site, please contact
either autocrat.  Fighter practice will begin about 10-ish, and we will be
eating early this year--2 p.m.-- to allow day trippers to get home while
it's still light and to allow more time for middle eastern and court
dancing.  Don't forget your toys to donate!

Bright Blessings,


Wastelands Xth Yule Revel

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, December 1st

Feast Will Begin at 2:00 p.m.--New Time!!!

     Join your friends in the Wastelands as they celebrate the holidays in
grand style.  Can you believe this is our 10th Yule?  Both Armored and
Rapier fighters are invited to participate in our annual Northern Regional
Fighter Practice.  Prepare for the Wars of Spring!  There will be music,
middle eastern and court dancing, gaming, Children’s Activities and much
 Pot Luck Feast.  The Shire will provide Meats and Breads.  Using which ever
name suits you, please bring a dish to serve 6-8: A-G   Salad or Appetizer;
H-S   Vegetable or Casserole; T-Z   Desserts.  Site fee is $2. with a dish,
$7. without.  (Free to children under 11).  Site is the Garfield County
Fairgrounds’ Youth Building (see map below).  Site is wet in period
containers only!  Drinking by minors will not be tolerated.

    Each year the Wastelands donates a decorated Yule Tree with lights and a
skirt to a local charitable organization.  We need your help decorating the
tree.  Please bring an ornament to share.  Each year we have a competiton to
see which group will donate the largest number of toys for our local toy
drive.  The group donating the largest number of unwrapped toys (in about
the $5 and higher range) will carry the Toy Banner of the Wastelands.  We
also need new children’s clothing (ages 0-17) for the Garfield County Child
CARE Campus.  Each piece of clothing will count the same as a toy.  There
will be a Period-style Table Decoration Competition with a fabulous prize.

    Make checks payable to the SCA, Inc., Shire of the Wastelands. No one
under 18 allowed without a signed minor permission form and a guardian 21
years or older.

Event Stewards:
Baroness Ceridwen Tir Gwastraff
Deborah C. May
RR 1, Box 69AA
Waukomis, OK  73773-9705
auntdwen at us.inter.net

Lady Adrianna Margherita di Betto
Anne E. Backus
1323 Books Street
Enid, OK  73703
abackus at peakonline.com

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