[Ansteorra-announce] incipient Rivers Run Toy Tourney

Sandy mensik ladyelfseeker at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 11:40:50 PDT 2001

 Greetings All,
 As acting until official A&S officer for the soon to
be Rivers Run , I am sending out a call to any one
interested in our first project.
 On December 2 ,2001, we will be proudly hosting a
Toys For Tots Tourney to assist the Ponca City Fire
Department with the wonderful work they do to help
families at christmas. They certainly brought smiles
to the faces of mine last year. ( so as a result this
is a project very dear to my heart).
 This is to be a public demo much like the one in
Stephanville , Texas ( thier second one occurs at the
end of this month at Wal-mart).
 Along with both heavy and light fighting we would
like to have a hoffla, Bards and I wish to hold an A&S
competetion with the public doing the
judging.Documentation would be nice but not required.
I would also like to see as many of our children
compete in this as possible. Since it is a Toy Tourney
for the children.
 In addition to the competition if anyone is
interested in doing demonstations of thier crafts I
would be eternally grateful.
 The site has not been nailed down as of yet. It will
either be at Ponca City Wal=Mart or 5th street
park.Details on location will be revealed as they come
to light.
 If you have any questions you may contact ;
 Autocrat Lady Esme Haddock McCallom
Phaenymhp at yahoo.com  580 765 6824
 A&S officer Lady Cassandra  lady elfseeker at yahoo.com
580 765 6824
 In Service to the Dream,
 Many Thanks,
 Lady Cassie

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