[Ansteorra-announce] Maps to Bryn Gwlad Baronial

ecs at io.com ecs at io.com
Wed Sep 26 09:11:20 PDT 2001

[ Converted text/enriched to text/plain ]
New maps to our Baronial Champions site have been posted to our web site. I
have also pasted them below.

Please refer to your driving maps and the written directions as these maps
have not been tested. They are a compilation from the maps Key Connor has
posted and from my driving atlas.

If you have any questions about the directions please contact Squire Randall
as it is his land.
Squire Randall der Krieger Ph.(512)446-3840 Cell(512)760-5468
email:{HYPERLINK "mailto:wrinkle at tex1.net?subject=site Clean-Up Volunteer"}wrinkle at tex1.net

Please visit our site at www.swordworks.org/baronial and look for the
directions link or visit http://www.io.com/~jtc/baronial/bryngwlad.html.
Directions to site:While other routes may appear shorter or more direct, these
routes, as described are the easiest travel with the best road conditions and
the short amount of all weather gravel road. Other routes have many more miles
of dirt road that may prove difficult in wet weather.   From Austin: take
HWY 290 East through Elgin to FM 696 (blinking yellow light), turn Left on FM
696 to Lexington. Turn left just after the Volunteer Fire Department.
Continued below.  From the North, South or East: Find your best route to HWY
77 to Lexington, TX. Take Loop 123 to FM 696/112. Turn Right just before the
Volunteer Fire Department. Continued below.  Continued from the turn at the
Volunteer Fire Department: After the S- curve turn Right on Lee 320. Stay on
paved road until it ends (about 5 miles). Continue for 3 more miles. Turn left
on Lee 319, follow for .3(3/10) mile. Site Gate is on the right.
Maps below. Not to any known scale. Maps not guaranteed. Follow written
"TYPE=PICT;ALT=Map to site from Lexington,Tx"}   Please let me know if you
have any problems or questions about this.
In Service,
Baroness Claire

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