[Ansteorra-announce] MeadBees Last Minute

HEGitana at aol.com HEGitana at aol.com
Thu Feb 21 15:38:39 PST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Greetings all,

We seen to have people coming to Mead Bees this week end from all over. It
will be great fun.

Just some last minute reminders form your friendly autocrats.

Remember that there are never enough mattresses to go around at Cimarron.
Campfire does not allowed us to move these, plus this year we are booked to
overflowing.  Please remember to bring plenty of soft bedding just in case
you are one of the unlucky ones who finds themselves without a mattress.  We
want you all to be as comfortable as is possible, but we will not be able to
do anything about this.

Merchants: You will need to bring your own tables for this event.  We like to
accommodate you when we can, but this year we will need everyone we have for
our use.

We're told that the weather is going to be really nice, but I suspect that it
will still be quit chilly in the evening, so bring lots of warm clothes.

Those of you that are helping with the Hafla or would be willing to help,
please bring staple guns (Friday night), rugs, rugs, rugs and heaters for the
pavilion if you can.  Thanks to the good Barony of Namron we will have walls
to put up to keep the wind out, but it may still be a little chilly.

Have heard there will be lots of Merchants and other things going on so be
sure to bring lots of money.  :-)

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact either of us.

I will leave for the site probably around 11AM and will try to check my
e-mail one last time before I go.

Hope each and everyone of you have a great time.
 (even those of us that have to work :-)

Isaac            and             Gitana
isaacbane at att.net            HEGitana at aol.com
(405) 722-7128                (405) 799-6588

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