[Ansteorra-announce] Volunteers at Gulf War 2003

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 22 11:37:29 PDT 2002

Yes, I know its still September and Gulf Wars is a good 6 months away, but
it's not too late to begin considering where you can volunteer at Gulf Wars.
 Gulf Wars Wants YOU!!

You know the drill... the areas needing volunteers are vast, in order to
make this major war event happen.  Areas including: Waterbearing, Security,
Heraldry, Chirugeoning, A&S teachers, Musicians for the nightly balls,
Scribal Painters, Equestrian Aides, and I've only just begin.

There are some exciting changes to the way the departments are working this
next year, as all kingdoms are being invited to have a roll in being
deputies under department heads, to learn the jobs, and perhaps take charge
of that department at a future war.

Also, the three major kingdoms, Ansteorra, Meridies and Trimaris, *may* be
'adopting' a day for volunteering at the war, where it will be our kingdom's
primary day to staff the war with our volunteers.  (Details still to be
worked out!)

If you want to have a key roll in how a specific area is coordinated or run,
the major department heads are looking for deputies now from all kingdoms.
Check out the Gulf War website, find your area/s of interest, and contact
that coordinator to offer your volunteer services.

The 2003 Gulf War website can be found as: http://www.gulfwars.org

Yours in service,
Mistress Hillary Greenslade, OP
Ansteorran Gulf War Volunteers Coordinator
hillaryrg at yahoo.com

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