[Ansteorra-announce] Revision to Ban on Merchanting in Oklahoma

Fitzmorgan at aol.com Fitzmorgan at aol.com
Wed Aug 6 21:21:19 PDT 2003

          Oklahoma passed a new law in May that went into effect in July.  It 
appears that this law would have the effect of making SCA groups in Oklahoma 
responsible for collecting and sending to the State of Oklahoma, sales tax 
collected from merchants who sell at our events.  At this time it is not clear 
how this applies to us or what procedures need to be implemented to enforce this 
law.  People have been in contact with the Oklahoma Tax Commission and have 
been told that this law would not apply to merchants who already have a valid 
Oklahoma Sales Tax permit.  They would collect and remit their own sales tax as 
       The Kingdom Seneschal has instructed that for the month of August, 
only merchants who produce a valid Oklahoma Sales Tax permit may merchant at an 
SCA event in Oklahoma.  This is a change from the previously announced ban on 
all merchanting in Oklahoma.   We do not know yet what policies will be in 
effect for September.  
       During the month of August the Kingdom Seneschal will be looking into 
this matter further and will determine how this new law will effect us and 
will announce any changes in policy that are necessary.  
       The only event in Oklahoma in August is Wiesenfeuer Baronial.  If you 
know of any merchants who are not online who might be attending this event 
please let them know about this.    

Robert Fitzmorgan
Northern Regional Seneschal

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