[Ansteorra-announce] Top Ten Things You Need to Know about Bjornsborg's Fall Event

godwyn at texas.net godwyn at texas.net
Mon Jul 28 14:59:23 PDT 2003

Top Ten Things You Need to Know about Bjornsborg's Fall Event

10.  It will be at Whitewater Sports in New Braunfels.

9.  There will be two fields, presided over by Ladies Argent and Azure.

8.  It's armored (heavy) fighting only.

7.  Fighters must send a Letter of Intent to Their Excellencies Bjornsborg and 
be sponsored by an artisan of either gender, who brings a token of his or her 
art to present to Their Excellencies Bjornsborg, in the processional.

6.  Sponsoring a fighter and participating in the Guildhall are two completely 
separate activities for artisans.

5.  There will be a Gentles' Pavilion for those who are not associated with a 
combatant.  (Think Ladies' Gallery from the days of The Tournament of Lions.)

4.  The tournament is a combination of old and new elements, borrowing from 
Lions, Lyonesse, Heroes, Bryn Gwlad's Ladies Tournament of Chivalry.

3.  The feast will be prepared by HL Giovanni di Cellini and will have prepaid 
feast reservations.

2.  The website will be up as soon as possible.

1.  Look for the two page ad in September's Black Star and the mention in the 
August Black Star's Notes and Challenges.

>From the Stewards of DEEDS OF HEROES,

Godwyn Alfricson
godwyn at texas.net

Branwen le Baxtere
mbaxter66 at satx.rr.com

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