[Ansteorra-announce] Waterbearer Shift Leaders wanted at Gulf Wars - Big Time!!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 20:27:27 PST 2003

There are 68 battles and championships at the fort, equestrian ravine,
archery, live weapons, kennels and rapier areas that will be hosting a
Waterbearer Point.  Water-points need to be staffed with volunteers as well
as a *SHIFT LEADER* to run the point.  Currently, there are 21 shift
positions filled, leaving 47 to fill with a Waterbearer-in-Charge (WIC) as
shift leader.

If you've ever been a WIC, are currently a WIC, or just a good organized
active person, please consider being in charge of one of the Water-points
for one/more of the battles or competitions.  Some are very active battles
and will require a lot of activity, but many are not expected to be as large
as one of our regular size tourney events, and should be quite manageable.

Currently, Meridies is hosting 8 Water-points, Trimaris -hosting 7 points,
and Ansteorra -hosting 3 points (the same Ansteorran lady doing these 3).

If you are able to be a WIC at war this year, here are details:
* report to Water Point 1 hrs before battle for setup.
* See that all volunteers signin and sign waivers.
* Give out and sign volunteer 'waivers' following battles.
* give a instruction/pep-talk about waterbearing.
* All supplies will be available at the points, from GW budgets, but
donations are always welcome.

Boiling it down, the WIC will be in charge of paperwork, directing the
volunteers, and ensuring a continuous supply of snacks and drinks to the
fighters.    Pretty much the same thing one would do for a day event

Please, let's not leave the managing of these points to a few hearty souls,
as they will certainly burn out before the end of the war.  If you are able
to be a WIC, please contact Lady Finna, GW Waterbearer-in-charge for details
at <water at gulfwars.org>  or contact me.

Yours in service, Hillary/Ansteorran Volunteers
hillaryrg at yahoo.com

PS.  Even if you don't serve as WIC, please spend some time volunteering at
Waterbearer points!!  Thanks.

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