[Ansteorra-announce] Stefan's files for May

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Sun May 4 15:10:21 PDT 2003


Here is a copy of my Florilegium article for May detailing what is new
in the Florilegium this month.

In early April my hard disk decided to distroy itself. Unfortunately,
since the last full backup I had made was in early 2000, I'm still
trying to put back together what I can from various places. If you have
sent me an article for inclusion in the Florilegium, please send it to
me again. There were a number of articles which I had not gotten around
to editing and getting online which I would still like to add to the

If you haven't backed up your hard disk recently, learn from my
mistake, and make a copy of the information on it in the near future.

Also, please remember the Florilegium Tile Project coming up in June at
the War of the Lilies in June, at Pennsic in August and at the Knowne
World A&S Collegium in September. This is open to all folks whether you
will be attending one of these events or not. For more details see this
webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~tripper/serena/TileProject/ For
those interested there has also been a maillist set up for those
interested in this project to exchange ideas and referance material and
to give suggestions to the project staff:
FlorilegiumTiles-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

Since this is a Known World wide project and will be at three large SCA
events, I need volunteers to help me with this project. I need
coordinators for each of the three events. I would also like to have a
coordinator for each SCA kingdom. And I will need volunteers at each
event to check in tiles, help set things up, etc.

(So, what kind of tile are you going to make for the Florilegium Tile
A Blending of the Past and Present

Over the past thirteen years in an ongoing effort, I have been
bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and
articles submitted to me by their authors. In order to make this
information available to others, I have placed this information in
a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium is on the web at: http://www.florilegium.org

A copy of my complete filelist is available in most sections of the
website. This filelist or any of my files is also available from me
by email in either Word or text formats.

If you find a bad link or other problem with the Florilegium website,
please let me know. Once I know about a problem I can usually fix it
that day but if no one alerts me to a problem it may be months before
I notice it myself.

I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article
that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me
for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. Contact me for more details.

      THLord Stefan li Rous   (512)892-0036    stefan at florilegium.org
      Ansteorra                             mark.s.harris at motorola.com

The new files for this month are:
In the COMBAT section:
    armor-stands-msg    Making armor stands to hold armor.
In the FOOD section:
    tarts-msg           Small, open-topped, shallow pies.
    E-Arab-recip-art    Selected early Arab recipes prior to the 13th
Century by Anahita.
In the FOOD-VEGETABLES section:
    lettuce-msg         Lettuce in period. Recipes.
In the HOME, SWEET HOME section:
    rugs-msg            Period rugs and carpets.
In the PERIOD-THOUGHT section:
    Feudalism-art       "The Origins of Fuedalism" by Baron Hrolf
Herjolffsen OP.

updated files:
    bag-cooking-msg     Using plastic bags to warm pre-cooked foods at
SCA events.
    cheesecake-msg      Medieval cheesecake. recipes.
    child-books-msg     Children's Medieval and Ren. history books.
    cooks-clothng-msg   Period and SCA cooks clothing.
    food-sources-msg    Modern sources for unusual medieval meats and
other foods.
    gums-resins-msg     Period use of plant resins. Myrrh, mastic,
frankincense, camphor.
    languages-msg       Sources for learning Anglo-Saxon, Latin.
    museums-msg         Experiences in museums by SCA people.
    p-herbals-msg       Period herb books. Modern editions.
    p-tableware-msg     Period tableware. Referances.
    tablecloths-msg     Period tablecloths. SCA feast tablecloths.
Copyright 2003, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if
the contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the
publication. Notification may be by email and reformatting is allowed.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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