[Ansteorra-announce] Announcing new mailing list

jhirling@houston.rr.com jhirling at houston.rr.com
Tue Nov 25 08:43:21 PST 2003

Hail Ansteorran singers!

I've openned a new group on Yahoo for those interested in madrigal and other polyphonic singing.  Here follows the description:

"Stargate-Madrigal is primarily for those in the SCA interested in singing polyphonic pieces from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, secular and sacred. The group orignates in the Barony of Stargate, Kingdom of Ansteorra but welcomes all interested persons. We encourage others to learn the pieces within the files so that 'pick-up' singing can occur at SCA events."

If you want to join the list, you may do so through Yahoo or by sending me your email address with authorization to add you to the list.  We will be adding music files in NoteWorthy to the files.  The NoteWorthy Player is still freeware, I think.  You may wish to purchase the Composer.  If you have pieces you want included, please let me know.

I encourage anyone insterested to begin a guild for this purpose.  The Stargate Madrigal & Polyhonic Singing Guild meets the 4th Sunday of each month at Oaks Presbyterian Church in Houston.  For directions, I can be reached at 713.896.0026 or by email through the list.

Grace & peace
Ihon Vinson macFergus, OL

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