[Ansteorra-announce] feast reservations for Stargate Yule

stargate yule stargateyule at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 3 21:42:15 PST 2003

Greetings, One and All

Stargate Yule is fast approaching, for those wishing to feast on a fine selection of Italian and French foods, please get your reservation in quickly. We are requesting prepaid reservations. See contact information below.



First remove: Bread, butter, and dipping sauces, Stuffed Mushrooms, Rosemary Chicken, Salad. Second remove: Roast Pork with raspberry-ginger sauce, Rice, Roasted vegetables. 

Third remove: Assorted sweets


Feast StewardPre-Paid Reservations
Baron William of Welewen
Lady Serin Le Rapp Scheurer
Chemistbb3 at yahoo.com
stargateyule at yahoo.com
1919 Place Rebecca #H 1Houston, TX 77090

Site opens at 10am and closes at 10pm.  The site is wet in period containers.

Site fee: $9.00 ($27.00 family max; Children 5-12: $4.00)

Feast fee: $6.00 prepaid; $8.00 at gate; Children 5-12: $3.00)

NMS: An Additional $3.00 if you do not have current proof of membership


Please make checks payable to: SCA, Inc., Barony of the Stargate


For further event information please see http://stargate.ansteorra.org


In service I remain, 

Lady Lisabetta Micola da Monte

Event Steward Stargate Yule 2003

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