[Ansteorra-announce] Deeds of Heros - Youth Activities

Jill Scoggins celestriaceltanhomme at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 4 05:00:56 PDT 2003

Here is a tenative schedule for the Youth Activities at Deeds of Heros (Bjornsborg):
8:30 Sign in and explanation of day
After court: Guild hall
10:00 Opening of Boffer warm-up and authorization (Parents/Guardians need to be present)
 Return (for those that wish) to the Youth area - Etiquett of the SCA and Court
12:00 - 1:00 Boffer Tourney
Procession of Court/How Court is done/ Ettiquetts
Mock Court
This is all tenative and is subject to change (ie. we may not get to everything). It truly depends on the children (5-17).
Please remember to sign up for activities (at least an hour's worth) if you are a parent.
You may email me off-list at celestriaceltanhomme at yahoo.com
I look forward to seeing everyone.
-Lady Celestria

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