[Ansteorra-announce] Loch Soilleir Titled Artisan Competition - May 15th

Holly Frantz hefrantz at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 24 10:30:34 PDT 2004

Bring yourself and bring your ART!
The outgoing Loch Soilleir Titled Artisan, Lady Niccola Setaro, invites you to compete for the honor of representing their Excellencies Loch Soilleir.
The Titled Artisan competition is a single entry competition using the Kingdom A&S judging forms.  Written documentation is required.  If you win, honor, fame, and beautiful prizes will be yours!
All those who wish to compete must submit a Letter of Intent to their Excellencies Baron William and Baroness Katya.  You may submit the letter in person at the event or prior to the event by sending it to chemistbb3 at yahoo.com, kcofrin at flash.net, and copying hefrantz at yahoo.com.
There is also a populace-favorite A&S competition for items that utilize a Loch Soilleir theme (green and white, sea serpents, etc.).  Items may be placed in both competitions but you do not have to use a Loch theme to win the Titled Artisan competition.
Set-up begins in the screened dining enclosure at 9 am, to be completed by 11 am.  Tables are provided.  Judging begins at 1 pm.
To view the Kingdom A&S forms, please visit http://moas.ansteorra.org/
Questions?  Comments?
Contact Lady Niccola at hefrantz at yahoo.com

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