[Ansteorra-announce] Entering Crown Tourney??

Clarissa di Firenze seneschal at supportyou.com
Sat Apr 24 19:38:18 PDT 2004

Greetings to the Fighters in Ansteorra!!

If you have already sent me your contact information for entering Crown
Tourney, you should have received an email response back.  If you have not
heard back from me and you are planning to enter Spring Crown Tournament,
please send your contact information again! I will use this information to
fill out the paperwork so that you can just verify the form and sign it. You
will also be contacted if there is any problem with membership.

Please send the following information for both the Fighter and the Consort:
SCA Name
Modern Name
Mailing Address
Officer experience (you need 1 year in an administrative office)
Membership number
Residency: If you have lived in Kingdom less than 1 year, please let me
Age: If you are under 21, please let me know!

If you have problems with the seneschal at ansteorra.org address, then please
send the message to seneschal at supportyou.com.


Baroness Clarissa di Firenze, OL
Kingdom Seneschal of Ansteorra
seneschal at ansteorra.org

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