[Ansteorra-announce] Our Kingdoms XXV Celebration

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 15:16:42 PDT 2004

For those of you who do not know it, where have been?
JULY 2004 is Ansteorra's XXV party. 
And if you are a warranted chirurgeon we need you help!!!!
We have need of you to volunteer for shifts at the event. You can go to
http://argent.ansteorra.org/chirurgeon.php and at the bottom click on 
Chirurgeon Schedule and then click on any shift that says open and you have now volunteered yourself.
With the large amount of marital arts & the # of people expected to attend (and in July in Texas), we need all the help we can get. 
Even one shift or battle/list makes a difference. So volunteer!
And of course enjoy a wonderful event that will not be repeated and not matched until our 50th celebration.

In Service always, to the 
Chirurgeonate, Kingdom, & the Dream,

Herr Arkell vom Cophus
Kingdom Chirurgeon 
Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra
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