[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report

Baron, Meg Meg.Baron at experian.com
Fri Apr 30 10:27:31 PDT 2004



This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most
recent Board of Directors meeting, held April 24, 2004, in Tampa, Florida
(Kingdom of Trimaris). This material may be freely distributed, and those
receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with the
general populace. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part, of
this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested
that the source of the information be identified as "from the President's
Report of the April 2004 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact
quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of
the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the
approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting
contained herein are my own. 

Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the
meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA website

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on July 17, 2004 in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The deadline for submission of agenda items is
July 1, 2004.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.

Branch Status Changes

1. The Board took note of the following new branches:

Shire of Frostheim (Boden-Luleå, Sweden)
Canton of Torna (Kolari to Kuivaniemi area, Finland)
Shire of Ad Flumen Caerulum (Vienna & Niederoestereich, Austria)
Shire of Mynydd Gwyn (Wales and western England)

2. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status:

Canton of Loch Ruadh (Ft. Worth, Texas) - to Shire
Shire of Peregrine Springs (Seminole County, FL) - to Canton of Barony of
Shire of Oldenfeld (Tallahassee, FL) - to Barony

3. The Board took note of the following branch dissolution:

Shire of White Buck Forest (Glenville, GA)

Old Business

A. Affiliate Corporation membership counts

The Vice President for Corporate Operations reported on the costs involved
in reprogramming the Registry computer system to include an Affiliate class
of membership to account for members of affiliate corporations. Based upon
her recommendation, by consensus Chairman Moore ruled that the Board would
take no action on this item.

B. Proposed revision to Corpora V.B.4.

Corpora V.B.4. currently reads:

A territorial Baron or Baroness may hold any other Society office for which
he or she is fitted and qualified, save only that of Baronial Seneschal, but
must not allow the duties and responsibilities of such office and the office
of Baron or Baroness to conflict.

The following change was adopted by the Board, effective sixty days
following the notification of the Kingdom Seneschals:

A territorial Baron or Baroness may hold any other Society office for which
he or she is fitted and qualified, save only those of Baronial Seneschal and
Baronial Exchequer, but must not allow the duties and responsibilities of
such office and the office of Baron or Baroness to conflict.

The Board also voted that any territorial Baron or Baroness currently
serving as a Baronial Exchequer be permitted, with the approval of the
Kingdom Exchequer, to continue in that office until the conclusion of their
normal term.

C. Proposed revision to Corpora IV.C.10.

Corpora IV.C.10. currently reads as follows:

The Royal Heirs and Royalty must maintain their memberships until their term
as Royalty is over. Should anyone serving as a Royal Heir, or as Royalty, be
found in violation of the membership requirements, the term ends for the
couple involved as of the date of the membership lapse. Provisions of
Kingdom Law dealing with the situation are in force. Official acts after the
lapse are void. The couple shall not receive any recognition for having
temporarily held the status of Royal Heirs or Royalty.

The following change was adopted by the Board, effective sixty days
following the notification of the Kingdom Seneschals:

The Royal Heirs and Royalty must maintain their memberships until their term
as Royalty is over. Should anyone serving as a Royal Heir, or as Royalty, be
found in violation of the membership requirements, that individual's term
ends as of the date of the membership lapse. Provisions of Kingdom Law
dealing with the situation are in force. The individual shall not receive
any recognition for having temporarily held the status of Royal Heir or

D. 40th Anniversary bid - Kingdom of Artemisia

A bid for a 40th Anniversary event was received from the kingdom of
Artemisia. The Board found the bid interesting, but had some questions about
it. The Society Seneschal and Ombudsman for Artemisia were directed to
contact the bid submitters for further information.

The deadline for bids was extended to October 1, 2004.

New Business

A. Proposed change to Corporate Policies I.B.2.

Corporate Policies I.B.2 currently reads:

"International Membership conveys the privileges of Section I.B.1. This
membership type is available only to mailing addresses outside the United
States or Australia. This type of membership is considered a subscribing

This is now incorrect, as International membership is now no longer
available in Finland or New Zealand, in addition to Australia, as these
countries have separate corporations and affiliations. More countries will
probably incorporate separately in the future. Therefore, the following
change is proposed:

"International Membership conveys the privileges of Section I.B.1. This
membership type is available only in locations outside the United States
which are part of the SCA, Inc., and not subject to an affiliate
corporation. This type of membership is considered a subscribing

By consensus, Chairman Moore directed that the above proposal be put before
the membership for commentary. The due date for commentary shall be October
1, 2004. 

Officers' Reports - action items and policy decisions (note: officers not
mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board

Society Archivist

The Archivist requested a current list of all publications produced by the
various Corporate and Kingdom entities in 2003. The Society Seneschal and
Vice President of Corporate Operations were directed to compile this list.

The Archivist requests that he be added to the Chronicler's e-mail list, and
Chairman Moore so directed.

Society Seneschal

The Society Seneschal requested that warrants be signed for her successor,
George Reed, and his staff, effective from the close of this meeting to
April 2007. The warrants were signed.

Society Exchequer

The Board upheld the following policy interpretation of the Society

Minors under age 15 may not serve as Head
Gatekeeper/Troll/Reservationist/etc. for an event. Such minors may assist at
the gate collecting funds, making change, etc., under the oversight of an
individual permitted by the SCA's Corporate Policies to serve as an officer,
who will be ultimately responsible for the accounting of the funds passing
through the gate. Individual Kingdoms may be more restrictive should they

Chief Information Architect

The Board upheld the following two policy decisions of the Chief Information

1. Any website under the direct control of SCA Inc. may link to websites
that relate to the SCA and/or web sites whose focus is the history in the
time frame that the SCA recreates, which is the European medieval ages
(roughly 600AD to 1600AD) at the discretion of the Webmaster or the Board of

Any website under the direct control of SCA Inc. will not link to commercial
sites, sites whose main focus is advertising something to sell or sites we
deem to be obscene or inappropriate.

Some of the links from websites under the direct control of SCA Inc will
lead to websites that may have links to merchants and other commercial
operations. SCA Inc. does not recommend, refer, authorize, warrant, or
commission any of these merchants.

Links to branch websites do not imply formal approval or ownership of those
websites. In particular, we do not warrant or authorize any information
contained on any page or link except those designated as being an official
website of SCA Inc.

2. SCA Inc. is the owner of the internet domain name sca.org, and is
responsible for the assignment of additional sub-domains.

The domain naming scheme of branchname.sca.org is reserved for the use of
Kingdoms within the SCA.  Domain names that are currently following this
scheme but are not Kingdoms will be permitted to continue its use, but are
encouraged to make other arrangements.

The internet presence of a branch containing the words "sca.org" as part of
its Internet address is a  recognized Internet site for the kingdom or
branch represented; it is not, however, an official site of SCA Inc.  If you
have concerns about a Kingdom or branch page, please contact their webmaster
or the Kingdom or Branch Seneschal. 

Society Chronicler

The Society Chronicler requested that the Board advertise for a successor to
his position as soon as possible. Chairman Moore directed that this be done.
The due date for applications is July 1, 2004. 

Laurel Sovereign of Arms

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms requested that warrants be signed for his
successor and her staff, effective from the close of this meeting to April
2007. The warrants were signed.

Society Marshal

1. Due to some problems with ballista ammunition being confused with a
marshal's staff, there is a change being made to the Siege Rules. It only
deals with the coloring of the shaft of ballista ammunition. The change is
as follows:

On page 4 under the heading "Siege Ammunition Standards" item 2 currently

 " All Siege Class Munitions must have 50% of their surface covered with
yellow tape to denote them as Siege Class Munitions. These munitions may not
be fired from small arms or be thrown by hand. "

This is being changed to:

"Siege Class Munitions must be colored with yellow tape in the following
manners to denote them as Siege Class Munitions. Ballista Bolts must have
their shafts and striking surface covered completely with yellow tape, and
Rocks (both the 4 tennis ball and the 1 pound foam) must have at least 50%
of their surface covered with yellow tape. These munitions may not be fired
from small arms or thrown by hand."

The Board approved this change.

Chirurgeon General

Our Kingdom Chirurgeon from the East reports that the Medical Authorization
for Minors form is not considered legal in at least two states in the East.
I would ask that this be referred to the Legal Committee. Chairman Moore
directed that this question be referred as requested.

Corporate Development Officer

The Corporate Development Officer requested that the Board direct Dave
Weiner to create an additional web page to our online services section that
will enable direct donations to the SCA, Inc. so that members may make
donations whenever they wish, instead of having to wait for when they renew
membership.  This will become the "jump start" for our specific fundraising
campaign initiative for 2004.  The SCA can then advertise to our members and
interested constituents that we are indeed making it simple and easy for
them to donate.

Making online purchases? Go to www.iGive.com and select "Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc." (no *the*).  Hundreds of online vendors will
automatically donate a percentage of your purchase to the Society!  From
1-800-Flowers (Mother's Day is coming up!) to Camping World - your online
shopping at www.iGive.com is easy, safe, and creates no additional charge to
you.  What better way to make a direct donation to the SCA?  Thank you very
much for supporting the Society for Creative Anachronism's www.iGive.com
fundraising initiative.

Legal Committee

The Legal Committee reviewed several new questions this quarter and
continued work on a couple of outstanding projects. Of note, the Committee
recommends that standard notary jurats be included on all Minor Medical
Authorization forms. The Committee feels that, although jurats are not
required in every state, it is better to include them than not. The
Committee also determined that organizers of SCA events that include
merchants in the State of Washington are not subject to certain Department
of Revenue regulations as long as the merchants are not charged more than
$200 for booth space. The Committee continues work on preparing equestrian
waivers for both adults and minors in each state, and continues to
investigate the application of a uniform policy and response to Section 326
of the Patriot Act regarding the opening of new bank accounts.  

Executive Session

A. 	Revocation and Denial of Membership - James C. Henry

Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of James C. Henry
(Seamus MacInnierghe), effective April 24, 2004. Seconded by Gary Raine. In
favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason
Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

B.	Administrative Assistant to the Board Applications

After discussion, Chairman Moore ruled that this position will not be filled
at this time. The resumes received will be kept on file for future

C.	Request for Review - Barbara Busillo

Motion by Jason Williams to deny the appeal by Barbara Busillo
(Caitlyn/Cadelyn ferch Angharad the Farwanderer) of the sanctions imposed on
her by the Society Marshal on August 8, 2001. Seconded by Dena Cady. In
favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Jason Williams.
Opposed: none. Abstained: Fernando Vigil. Motion carried.

D.	Revocation and Denial of Membership - Tracy Donaldson

Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of Tracy
Donaldson (Hendrick von Guggenheim), effective April 24, 2004. Seconded by
Hal Simon. In favor: Dena Cady, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil,
Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Recused: Gary Raine. Motion carried.
E.	Revocation and Denial of Membership - Stephanie Goodfellow

By consensus, Chairman Moore directed this item remanded to the next meeting
pending receipt of necessary documentation. 

F. 	Absolute Banishment - John Dyer

Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of John Dyer
(Elfwine Shaftesbury) imposed by Gareth and Anneis, King and Queen of
Meridies, on February 28, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed
to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of
membership.  Seconded by Jason Williams. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine,
Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none.
Motion carried.
G.	Absolute Banishment - Nadine Hanson

Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of Nadine Hanson
(Sorcha ingen Lurain) imposed by Skapti and Asa, King and Queen of An Tir,
on January 31, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an
investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Further,
that she henceforth be prohibited from holding any position of financial
responsibility within the SCA.  Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady,
Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed:
none.  Motion carried.

H. 	Absolute Banishment - Benjamin Schragger

Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of Benjamin
Schragger (Ben the Steward) imposed by Balfar and Luna, King and Queen of
the East, on January 3, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to
begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership.
Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal
Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none.  Motion carried.

I. 	Revocation and Denial of Membership - Pat St. George

Due to incomplete documentation, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded
to the July 2004 quarterly meeting.

J. 	Revocation and Denial of Membership - Lynn Raabe

Motion by Dena Cady to revoke and deny the membership of Lynn Raabe (Talia
of Hawksholm), effective April 24, 2004. Seconded by Fernando Vigil. In
favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason
Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

K.	Grand Council Chairman Resignation

By consensus, the Board took note of the Grand Council Chairman's

L.	Complaint regarding Direk and Levana (Dirk Lancaster and Levana
Waiche), King and Queen of Caid

After discussion and by consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that, due to failure
to demonstrate sufficient cause, the Board would take no action at this

M.	Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs - Carol O'Leary
(Melisande de Belvoir)

The Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs presented a report to the

Personnel Changes

This was the final meeting for Director Fernando Vigil. Taking his seat is
Jeff Brown (Donnan the Truehearted) of the Kingdom of An Tir.

Several Society offices changed hands. The new Society Seneschal is George
Reed (Aaron Faheud Swiftrunner of the Stone Keep). The new Laurel Sovereign
of Arms is Jacquie Ziegler (Shauna of Carrick Point). The new Society
Chirurgeon General is Beth Hart-Carlock (Eleanor Isabeau du Coeur).

Ombudsman Assignments

Ombudsman assignments are as follows:

Linda Moore: President, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs, Society
Seneschal, Corporate Office, Legal Committee

Jeff Brown: AEthelmearc, East, Middle
Dena Cady: Caid, Lochac, West, Chirurgeon, Communications

Gary Raine: Atlantia, An Tir, Calontir, Heralds, Chief Information Architect

Lis Schraer:  Drachenwald, Ealdormere, Arts & Sciences, Board Recruiting,
Financial Officers

Hal Simon:  Artemisia, Atenveldt, Outlands, Grand Council, Development

Jason Williams: Ansteorra, Meridies, Northshield, Trimaris, Marshal

Quarterly Meeting Schedule

The Third Quarter 2004 meeting will be held July 17, 2004, in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (Kingdom of the East).
The Fourth Quarter 2004 meeting will be held October 23, 2004, in Dallas,
Texas (Kingdom of Ansteorra).
The First Quarter 2005 meeting will be held January 22, 2005. The tentative
location is the Kingdom of An Tir.

March 9, 2004

Old Business

A. Corporate Audit

The Board approved an increase to the accounting budget for 2004 by
$1,500.00 to cover the cost of a Reviewed Financial Statement in place of
the annual Compilation, and an increase in the budget for 2004 by $5,000.00
to conduct a Study of Internal Controls.

New Business

A. Report programming - affiliate corporation membership counts

Renee Signorotti was directed to obtain estimates of the programming costs
to add a new membership category for affiliate corporation members who order
subscriptions to SCA Inc. publications This item was remanded this item to
the April 2004 meeting.

Executive Session

A	Revocation/Denial of Membership - Tracy Donaldson

By consensus, Chairman Moore remanded this item to the April 2004 quarterly

B	Revocation/Denial of Membership - Stephanie Goodfellow

By consensus, Chairman Moore remanded this item to the April 2004 quarterly

C	Administrative Assistant applications

By consensus, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded this item to the
April 2004 quarterly meeting.
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to: 
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email comments at sca.org or reply to this message.
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