[Ansteorra-announce] Gothic

Ld Byron chance at camalott.com
Mon Aug 16 20:37:42 PDT 2004

Some questions have been asked and I feel the answers will be of use to all.
1. How about getting OUT after 10:00 PM Saturday night for those staying in  hotels / motels or day-tripping?
Yes, you can leave the park after 10PM, but the vehicle can't get back in until the next day when the gate opens. There is a automatic opening gate to leave the park at any time. 
2. There have been 4 more requests for RV spots.
3.  How long of a drive to site from Dallas?
My driving to Dallas from Abilene (my home) is right at 3 hours - 1 1/2 to Weatherford, and another 1 1/2 to downtown Dallas. This is if I am lucky enough to get there at a time other than rush hour, and there has not been a wreck. Coleman is another 1 1/4 hour if you drive the posted speed. The site is 7 to 8 miles west of Coleman on 153. If you drive on roads other than major highways coming from Dallas - I would take 206 at Cisco south to Coleman and cut some of the driving time. This road is a 2 lane road and runs thru Cross Plains - which has 1 light in it. (If they haven't changed since the last time I was there.) It has a Dairy Queen, a Subway, and 3 convience stories. Oh, a dumpy motel is there, also. Looking at the map this would serve you better if coming from the metroplex.
377 runs to Brownwood - Santa Anna - Coleman from Fort Worth, but I haven't traveled this way, and I know nothing about this route. The route from Brownwood to Coleman is good highway. I just haven't traveled east to Comanche, and Stephenville on this road. I hope this helps you.

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