[Ansteorra-announce] For the Chirurgeonate

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 8 11:33:04 PST 2004

Chirurgeons of Ansteorra,

There is a little known requirement from the Society Chirurgeonate that all Chirurgeons must work at least one event every 12 months or send a report to the Kingdom Chirurgeon stating why that was not possible. Failure to do this can result in losing your warrant. This is little known because we did not have the tools to track it. Guess what! We now have such tools.

When you have time, you might go to http://www.ansteorra.org/regnum/chirurgeon, choose "online", then select your name from the pulldowns. At the bottom of your
information page is a list of events in the system where we show you worked. If that is not correct and the event already exists, then add yourself to the event. If the event is not in the system, then create the event and add in yourself and anyone else you remember working the event. Please get the CIC in. If you were the only Chirurgeon present and working, then you were the CIC. If there were any incidents worked, add them.

If you are an Apprentice, you may not change or create events, so get a Journeyman or Master to do it for you. Hopefully, one who was there and can write up an Apprentice Evaluation for you.

You can always go to the "reports" area and see how many events you worked in the last 12 months (and see everyone else's count also). You can see at a glance who is certed and who's certs new renewal. If you need renewal, check out the "training" area (if you use the pulldown within "online" when you "register" it will automatically fill in the data from your Chirurgeon record).

By the way, if you don't know your password and id and have not yet changed the password, it should be two initials of your mundane name for the ID and two (capitalized) initials of your mundane name followed by your zip code for the password. Please change your password as soon as possible. If that does not work, contact THL Caelin on Andrede at rjt at acm.org or myself at
chirurgeon at anateorra.org & we will set up a new id/password for you.

In Service always, to the
Chirurgeonate, Kingdom, & the Dream,
Lord Arkell vom Cophus
Kingdom Chirurgeon, Ansteorra

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