[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report January 2004
Baron, Meg
Meg.Baron at experian.com
Fri Jan 30 09:42:24 PST 2004
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most
recent Board of Directors meeting, held January 24, 2004, in Kansas City,
Missouri (Kingdom of Calontir). This material may be freely distributed, and
those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with
the general populace. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part,
of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is
requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the
President's Report of the January 2004 Board meeting" and that, as far as
possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the
official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between
this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the
meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA website
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on April 24, 2004 in Tampa,
Florida. The deadline for submission of agenda items is April 1, 2004.
Respectfully submitted,
Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.
Branch Status Changes
1. The Board took note of the following new branches:
College of Sankt Vladimir (Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff, AZ)
Shire of Loch Meadhonach (West Bend/Emmitsburg, IA)
Shire of Cuil Cholum (Columbus, IN)
2. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status:
Canton of Vatnsdalr (Edmonton, AB, Canada) - to Shire
Canton of Vinjar (Grand Prairie, AB, Canada) - to Shire
Canton of Stone Wolf (Cold Lake, AB, Canada) -to Shire
Canton of Krae Glas (Melbourne, Australia) - to Shire
Canton of Hawkwood (Asheville, NC) - to Barony
Shire of Smoking Rocks (southeast MA) - to Barony
3. The Board took note of the following branch dissolution:
Barony of Borealis (Edmonton to Cold Lake, AB, Canada)
Old Business
A. Corporate Office Manual - Financial Procedures section
The Treasurer presented a revised draft of the Corporate Office Manual -
Financial Procedures section. This manual section was adopted by the Board.
B. Marshallate Proposal
By consensus, Chairman Moore declared that the Board will not act on this
proposal, and directed Fernando Vigil and Jason Williams to work with
William Colbert, author of the proposal, and such others as may prove
beneficial, to look into the goals behind the proposal and determine if some
of them might be better reached by alternate methods.
C. Corporate Audit
This item was remanded to the next meeting pending the acquisition of
additional data.
D. Membership Survey
The Board discussed results of the membership survey, to which over 7,000
responses were received. Chairman Moore expressed the Board's appreciation
to all those who participated in the survey. The Chairman announced that the
results of the survey will soon be available for viewing on the SCA's
Chairman Moore expressed the gratitude of the Board to Betty Rittmeyer and
Dave Weiner for their excellent technical work in creating the online survey
and tabulating the results.
E. Electronic Communications Policy revision
The revised Electronic Communications Policy (below) was approved by the
Board, and will become Section X of the Corporate Policies of the SCA, Inc.,
with everything following being renumbered as needed, effective April 1,
1. Electronic Publication of SCA Documents
When official corporate documents are published electronically on a site not
sponsored by the SCA, Inc., the original copyright notice for the document
must be provided along with the text. The following addition should be made
to the copyright notice:
"In cases of conflict, the governing version of this document is (title of
document), copyright (date) by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.,
and obtainable in printed form from the SCA Stock Clerk, P.O. Box 360789,
Milpitas CA 95036. Disputes over the contents of this document will be
decided in favor of the printed version available from the SCA, Inc."
2. Participation of SCA Officials in Electronic Communications Media
A. Unless otherwise stated as a prerequisite of office, electronic
communication is not required of any officer. Traditional paper
correspondence is always acceptable, and is the default means for official
B. The SCA, Inc. neither prohibits nor requires members' or officers'
participation in electronic communications media such as newsgroups or
mailing lists.
3. Electronic Communications to and from SCA Officers
A. Electronic communications to SCA officers may be regarded as formal
communications only if approved in advance by the officer, or if a
non-automated confirmation of receipt is obtained.
B. Messages posted for general attention on any public electronic
communications forum are not regarded as formal communications to an
officer, whether or not that officer is known to participate on the forum in
question. Communications posted by corporate or kingdom officers to their
officer-specific forums may be considered official communications to those
officers subscribed to the forum only upon return of a non-automated
confirmation of receipt..
C. Any policies or procedures governing the handling of correspondence,
such as maintenance of file copies for correspondence with lasting effect,
apply equally to electronic mail. Officers must ensure that any electronic
files are passed on in a format readable by their successor.
D. SCA officers must distinguish between their personal opinions and
official statements or policies of their office in electronic
F. Proposed change to Corpora IV.C.2.
Corpora IV.C.2 currently reads as follows:
The royal pair must attend their Coronation or Investiture, preside over the
Royal Lists to select their successors, and attend the Coronation or
Investiture of their successors. They must also attend such other events as
may be dictated by the laws of their realm. Should extreme and extraordinary
circumstances, such as death, prevent a Crown, heir to the Crown, Coronet,
or heir to the Coronet, from completing the these requirements, the Board of
Directors may, upon substantial petition, and on a case by case basis, waive
these requirements to allow the bestowing of a royal peerage or royal title.
In light of several situations that have arisen in the recent past, in which
Crowns have been unable to complete all of the requirements listed above for
reasons the Board considered sufficient and extraordinary, but which did not
involve death, the Board requests comment on the idea of removing the phrase
"such as death" from the above passage.
The Board voted to remove the phrase "such as death" from the above section
of Corpora, effective April 1, 2004.
New Business
A. Chirurgeon's Handbook
The Board adopted the January 2004 edition of the Chirurgeon's Handbook.
Fernando Vigil also expressed the appreciation of the Board for the quality
of this manual. It is clear, complete, and easy to read - a quality often
difficult to impart to a set of rules and regulations.
Officers' Reports - action items and policy decisions (note: officers not
mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board
In order to bring written policies and procedures into line with current
practice, the President requested that the Board approve the following
changes to the Board Policies and Procedures Manual, section VI:
D. The Office of the President shall review all manuals for spelling,
grammar, and camera-readiness before they are presented to the Board.
On-call editors shall be made available to assist Society officers with
creating camera-ready copy upon request to the President. The President
shall recruit and maintain a staff of on-call editors to assist in
proofreading and formatting manuals to SCA, Inc. standards. In order to
provide time for the editors to do their work, manuals must be submitted to
the President in editable electronic format by the first of the month prior
to the next quarterly meeting.
G. An electronic copy of the manual must be provided to the Vice President
for Corporate Operations within ten days of its approval. The Corporate
Office will store this as the master copy for hardcopy production. An
electronic copy shall also be provided to the Secretary President within the
same time frame. The Secretary President shall ensure that it gets to the
SCA web administrator to be posted on the sca.org. website.
The Board adopted these proposed changes to the Board Policies and
Procedures Manual, effective immediately.
Society Seneschal
The Society Seneschal proposed the following new policy:
Each Kingdom is required to develop policies concerning children's
activities. These policies can be placed in Kingdom Law, Kingdom Handbooks,
or other documents used by a kingdom for its maintenance. These policies
should address what is required to have children's activities at an event.
Suggestions for requirements include, but are not limited to, age limits of
participants, mandatory participation by a child's parent or guardian in
children's activities, and the number of adults needed to supervise
activities in order to allow the activities to take place.
This policy shall be placed in the Kingdom Seneschal's Handbook at the
beginning of the section entitled "Ministry of Children."
The Board approved this new policy.
Vice President of Corporate Operations
1. The Vice President of Corporate Operations requested authorization to
begin the process of online membership processing refinement and emailed
renewal and expiration notices. Chairman Moore directed the Vice President
for Corporate Operations to continue looking into this.
2. The Vice President of Corporate Operations requested funding for the
transfer of files from the outgoing Copyright Editor to her successor. The
Board authorized the addition of $500.00 to the Society Chronicler's Moving
Expenses budget for this purpose.
Society Treasurer
Because of the fact that the fees associated with transferring funds between
the various countries that compose Drachenwald and converting them to US
Dollars would likely result in a net loss for the SCA Inc, the Society
Treasurer recommended that the Non-Member Surcharge variance for the Kingdom
of Drachenwald be extended.
The Board approved the extension of the Kingdom of Drachenwald's Non-Member
Surcharge implementation variance until August 1, 2004, while information is
gathered on events and non-member attendance in Drachenwald.
Society Exchequer
The following policy ruling of the Society Exchequer regarding Interkingdom
Event Financial Committees was returned from the October 2003 quarterly
"All Interkingdom Event Financial Committees must include, as voting
members, the Kingdom Seneschals and Kingdom Exchequers of the event's
principal kingdoms."
After further consideration and feedback, I would like to revise the wording
to "All Interkingdom Event Financial Committees must include, as voting
members, at least one warranted Seneschal and one warranted Exchequer."
Because of changes made to Society Branch Financial Policy at the December 9
conference call meeting of the Board of Directors, this policy statement is
now redundant; however, as it had been returned and was still unresolved, it
was necessary to bring it back to the Board's attention for final
disposition. Therefore, by consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that no action
will be taken on this policy ruling, and it is thus disposed.
Investment Committee
The SCA's Investment Committee recommends that the SCA Board of Directors
approve the investment of approximately $15,363 currently contained in
checking accounts and in certificates of deposit. The Investment Committee
is recommending that this investment be placed into the Long Term Fund as
defined in the SCA Investment Policy. It is recommended that the initial
investment be allocated to the Long Term Securities in the Long Term Fund as
Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Fund - 350 shares @ $15.33 = $5,365.00
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund - 175 shares @ $28.41 = $4,971,75
T. Rowe Price High Yield Bond Fund - 700 shares @ $7.18 = $5,026.00
Total = $15,363.25
The Board accepted the recommendation of the Investment Committee as
presented, so long as market price has not increased by more than 10% above
the values listed in their recommendation at the time of purchase.
Chief Information Architect
The Chief Information Architect requested that the Board advertise for his
successor. His warrant does not expire until April 2005, but he wishes to
allow sufficient time to train his successor. Chairman Moore directed that
the position opening appear in the April 2004 issues of the Kingdom
Society Marshal
1. The Society Marshal presented changes to the rules for minor
participation in equestrian activities as listed below. These are to be
added to section ii of the Equestrian Handbook, Regulations for Minors,
sections H through L.
7. Minors cannot be Equestrian Marshals (EqMs) or lead a horse for a mounted
8. Minors may be Equestrian Marshals in Training (EqMITs) and upon reaching
the age of majority in their state, province, territory, and/or country of
residence, utilize previous experience to qualify them to be authorized as
an EqM.
9. Minors with sufficient equestrian experience who are aged 10 to 15 can
act as groundsmen with the approval of the EqMIC and under the direct
supervision of a marshal.
10. Minors aged 10 to 15 who are acting as groundsmen are not allowed in the
arena or list field when horses are actually present and competing.
11. Minors 16 and older can be authorized as groundsmen without restrictions
other than listed in rule number 7 above.
The Board approved these equestrian handbook changes.
2. The device known as a "spear slider" or any permutation thereof is banned
in SCA combat. This mechanical device is a tube around the outside diameter
of a spear held in the guide hand. Its use allows too much power and not
enough control to be exerted on the target. It is a safety hazard and not
evidenced in period/context.
The Board upheld this policy ruling.
3. It is legal to push, not punch, a shield with a gauntleted/fully armored
hand. The hand must be closed. If the hand is struck, the arm is lost under
the Target Substitution rule.
The Board did not uphold this policy decision, and returned it to the
Society Marshal for further clarification.
4. Half Swording with a single hand sword, the technique of grasping ones'
own blade to parry a blow, is instituted as an experiment. Additionally, the
attacker may grasp a Half Sworded Blade as if it were a pole arm. However,
if the grasping hand is struck, the arm is lost according to the Target
Substitution rule. All actions must use a gauntleted/fully armored hand. The
Kingdom Earls Marshal are authorized to run this program at their
By consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that instituting combat experiments is
within the authority of the Society Marshal.
5. The Equestrian Deputy is hereby authorized to start experiments in Boffer
Jousting. The experiment is to run at her discretion and under her
direction for whatever time she deems necessary. This experiment utilizes
Styrofoam lances and a points system. All the rules can be found on the
Equestrian website.
By consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that instituting combat experiments is
within the authority of the Society Marshal.
Corporate Development Officer
The Corporate Development Officer requested that the Board direct Dave
Weiner to create an additional web page to our online services section that
will enable direct donations to the SCA, Inc. so that members may make
donations whenever they wish, instead of having to wait for when they renew
membership. This will become the "jump start" for our specific fundraising
campaign initiative for 2004. The SCA can then advertise to our members and
interested constituents that we are indeed making it simple and easy for
them to donate.
By consensus, Chairman Moore directed that the Chief Information Architect
and his team be asked for a feasibility study regarding the technical
aspects of this proposal.
"The SCA, Inc. continues to successfully raise funds with www.iGive.com .
This website offers you hundreds of vendors to choose from for your online
purchases, such as Expedia.com, 1800contacts(tm) or Barnes and Noble. Go to
www.iGive.com and select "Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc." (no
*the*). A predesignated percentage of your purchase will be automatically
donated to the Society! We hope that you will continue making your online
purchases through the www.iGive.com website, and encourage your Shire or
Barony friends and family to do so as well! Thank you very much."
Legal Committee
The Legal Committee was asked several questions by the Board and Officers of
the SCA, Inc., this quarter. Most relevant to the membership are the Legal
Committee's recommendation that families may supply one copy of a Minor
Participation Form with all children from the family listed, but must
continue to have a separate Medical Authorization for each child. The Legal
Committee is investigating the application of Section 326 of the Patriot Act
to new bank accounts, or to those where a signatory is changing, to prepare
a uniform policy and response.
Executive Session
1. Society Chirurgeon General Applications
The Board appointed Beth Hart-Carlock (Eleanor Isabeau du Coeur) to the
office of Society Chirurgeon General beginning at the close of the April
2004 quarterly meeting.
2. President's Warrant
Motion by Dena Cady that, taking into account that Megan Baron was given a
two-year warrant for the office of President as opposed to the typical
three-year warrant, her warrant be extended until July 31, 2005. Seconded by
Hal Simon. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon,
Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
3. Revocation and Denial of Membership - Richmond Slate
Motion by Fernando Vigil to revoke and deny the membership of Richmond Slate
effective January 24, 2004. Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Dena Cady,
Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams.
Opposed: none. Motion carried.
The Board further takes specific note that, despite all reasonable efforts,
the Society Seneschal has been unable to confirm that Mr. Slate has received
the letters of notification sent to him in accordance with section II.E. of
the Corporate Policies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Therefore the Board agrees to reconsider this decision upon request from Mr.
4. Revocation and Denial of Membership - Tracy Donaldson
Due to a lack of documentation, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to
the next meeting.
5. Appeal of Revocation and Denial of Membership - Eric Mauer
Motion by Jason Williams that the Board deny the appeal of the revocation
and denial of membership of Eric Mauer imposed July 19, 2002. Seconded by
Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Fernando Vigil,
Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Recused: Hal Simon. Motion carried.
6. Appeal of Revocation and Denial of Membership - Tim Hugus
By consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that the Board declines to hear this
appeal as it is not accompanied by new evidence as required by Corporate
Policies II.E.
7. Absolute Banishment - Pat St. George
Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of Pat St. George
(Aveline Delinsay) imposed by Gunnarr and Gabriell, King and Queen of An
Tir, on November 22, 2003, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to
begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership.
Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal
Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
8. Absolute Banishment - James C. Henry
Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of James C. Henry
(Seamus MacInnierghe) imposed by Raggnar and Kyneburh, King and Queen of
Atlantia, on November 1, 2003, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to
begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership.
Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal
Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
9. Absolute Banishment - R. Michael Grant
Motion by Lis Schraer to uphold the absolute banishment of R. Michael Grant
(Michael O'Gaullee) imposed by Raggnar and Kyneburh, King and Queen of
Atlantia, on September 8, 2003. Seconded by Hal Simon. In favor: Dena Cady,
Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed:
none. Motion carried.
The Board noted that Mr. Grant's membership was revoked and denied at the
October 2003 meeting; however, due to the timing of the Board meetings, this
banishment was properly proclaimed and thus was required to be considered by
the Board.
10. Absolute Banishment - Lynn Raabe
Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of Lynn Raabe
(Talia of Hawksholm) imposed by Irel and Rosalind, King and Queen of the
Outlands, on July 31, 2003, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to
begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership.
Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal
Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Fernando Vigil to uphold the absolute banishment of Lynn Raabe
(Talia of Hawksholm) imposed by Hoegaarden and Chiara, King and Queen of the
Outlands, on November 8, 2003. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Dena Cady,
Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed:
none. Motion carried.
11. Revocation and Denial of Membership - Tony Tamboury
By consensus, Chairman Moore ordered this matter returned to the Kingdom for
further attention.
12. Revocation and Denial of Membership - Stephanie Goodfellow
A report on the investigation was presented by the Society Seneschal. By
consensus, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to the next meeting.
13. Appeal of Banishment - Alexander White
Motion by Lis Schraer to grant the appeal of Alexander White (Boldo) and
overturn the banishment from the realm proclaimed by Henri, King of
Aethelmearc, on September 20, 2003, on procedural grounds. Seconded by Dena
Cady. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando
Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Gary Raine to admonish Henri, King of Aethelmearc, and Joyce
Oswald (Aoibheil of Dun Holen), Seneschal of AEthemearc, for failure to
follow proper notification procedure in the banishment from the realm of
Alexander White (Boldo) proclaimed on September 20, 2003. Seconded by Dena
Cady. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Hal Simon, Fernando
Vigil, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Personnel Changes
The Board elected Jeff Brown (Donnan the Truehearted) of the Kingdom of An
Tir to the Board of Directors. He will take his seat at the close of the
April 2004 quarterly meeting.
Quarterly Meeting Schedule
The Second Quarter 2004 meeting will be held on April 24, 2004, in Tampa,
Florida (Kingdom of Trimaris).
The Third Quarter 2004 meeting will be held July 17, 2004, in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (Kingdom of the East).
The Fourth Quarter 2004 meeting will be held October 23, 2004, in Dallas,
Texas (Kingdom of Ansteorra).
The First Quarter 2005 meeting will be held January 22, 2005. The tentative
location is the Kingdom of AnTir.
December 9, 2003
I. Old Business
A Corporate Audit
By consensus, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to the January 2004
B Corporate Office Procedures
Tom Bilodeau presented a revision of the draft Corporate Office Procedures
manual, which was remanded from the October 2003 meeting, for the Board's
review. Discussion of this document shall continue.
C Bone family book donation update
Renee Signorotti reported that the first purchase of dance books from the
generous donation of the Bone family has been made. The books, when
received, will be shipped to the Kingdom Seneschals for distribution.
II. New Business
A Administrative Sanctions
By consensus, Chairman Moore directed that discussion on this topic
B Sexual Harassment Policy
By consensus, Chairman Moore directed that the Legal Committee be asked
about the advisability of creating a Corporate sexual harassment policy, and
remanded this item to the April 2004 quarterly meeting.
C Zip code reassignment - Japan
Because, apparently, Japanese mailing addresses have been assigned
improperly in the registry database for many years, the Board directed that
the assignment of these addresses be corrected to the West Kingdom.
III. Officer Reports - Society Exchequer
The Society Exchequer presented changes to Society Branch Financial Policy,
which were approved by the Board. The latest version of Society Branch
Financial Policy may be found online at www.sca.org.
The Society Exchequer asked the Board to approve a revised Gulf Wars
Financial Policy. The Board approved the changes. The current policy may be
found online at www.sca.org.
The Society Exchequer asked for clarification as to whether she or the
Treasurer is in charge of working with Kingdoms which are delinquent in
filing Non-Member Surcharge reports. By consensus, Chairman Moore directed
that the Society Exchequer is responsible for working on bringing delinquent
into compliance, and if necessary the Society Treasurer, Society Seneschal,
and Board Ombudsman for the Kingdom will become involved.
The Society Exchequer asked whether the Board wants the delinquent kingdoms
to catch up the NMS payments they are behind before the end of the year. By
consensus, Chairman Moore directed that delinquent Kingdoms be required to
make good all overdue payments by the end of the calendar year.
The Society Exchequer asked whether the Board wants to receive reports from
her for the conference calls which contain the most recent quarter's NMS
information. By consensus, Chairman Moore stated that such reports will not
be required.
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email comments at sca.org or reply to this message.
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