[Ansteorra-announce] Sad News

Brian & Pam Martin twinoak at cox-internet.com
Sat Jul 3 09:18:47 PDT 2004

Yesterday, July 2, Second Lieutenant Brian Smith - known in the SCA as
Friedrich von Konigsburg - was killed in action in Iraq. Friedrich was Duke
Kein's squire and lived most of his time in Bryn Gwlad. He was a man of rare
wit - the likes of which I doubt we'll ever see again - and a friend to
many. Following 9/11, Friedrich chose to leave the legal profession and join
the army and though he was an attorney and could have served in the military
as such, he chose instead to join the cavalry where he commanded a platoon
of tanks in Iraq. Friedrich leaves behind a widow, his parents, a sister and
many, many friends. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. 
God Bless,

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