[Ansteorra-announce] Laurel's Prize Tourney for Bards, Dancers and Static artists

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 18:27:20 PDT 2004

Laurel's Prize Tourney (LPT), a *Celebration of Art* for static, performance and dance artisans,
and those who patron the arts, on July 31st (http://www.clancircle.com/lpt/) read on:  

** Greetings bards, actors, troubadors and poets **
Seeking others to help you find your voice or literary muse?  LPT is the event for you. 
Ansteorran Kingdom Bard, Dona Antonia and Master Ihon have created a critique and workshop
schedule with 2 hours each for poetry, prose/storytelling, acting, and vocal/musical.  

Performers/bards please pre-register, at the LPT website.  Table space is not required for
performers.  For questions, please contact Antonia or Master Ihon (see Contacts on website).

** Dancers ** 
Duchess Willow de Wisp is hosting a contest for the dancer who does the best folkloric Middle
Eastern, Persian, Gyspy or Hindi dance.   There will be an small ensemble of musicians, including
Master Avatar and HL Gerald of Leesville to accompany; or you may wish to provide your own music. 

Please be prepared with documentation of your dance study.  A dance schedule will be in the
hall at gate to register.

** Static Artisans ** 
Pre-registration deadline - July 28th by using the online registration.  

There are 40 table spaces, and 35 table spaces are filled.  While we hope to allow all artisans
the table space requested, those registering after the 40 spaces are filled will be required to
provide their own table, and may be displayed other than in the great hall due to space limits. 
Those not pre-registered may display if table space is available. 

** New on the website **
-Online Pre-registration deadline:  July 28th. 
-Schedule of the Day
-Listing of currently pre-registered artisans

In great anticipation of great arts, 
Hillary Greenslade 
Autocrat of Laurel's Prize Tourney

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