[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] July 2004 President's Report
Baron, Meg
Meg.Baron at experian.com
Thu Jul 22 15:46:03 PDT 2004
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s most recent Board of Directors meeting, held July 17, 2004, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Kingdom of the East). This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with the general populace. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all, or part, of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of the July 2004 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA website (www.sca.org).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on October 23, 2004 in Dallas, Texas. The deadline for submission of agenda items is October 1, 2004.
Respectfully submitted,
Meg Baron
President, SCA Inc.
Branch Status Changes
1. The Board took note of the following new branches:
Canton of Abertridwr (Perth, Australia)
Canton of Rivers Point (Richmond/Ft. Lee, VA)
2. The Board took note of the following routine changes in status:
Shire of L'Ile du Dragon Dormant (Montreal, QE, Canada) - to Barony
Shire of Vatnsdalr (Edmonton, AB, Canada) - name change to Shire of Borealis
Shire of Stonewolf (Cold Lake, AB, Canada) - name change to Shire of Bordergate
3. The Board took note of the following branch dissolutions:
Shire of Nathair Airgid (Globe/Miami, AZ)
Shire of Earngyld (Juneau, AK)
Shire of Loch Thioram (Deming/Silver City, NM)
Old Business
A. Branch Status proposal
A proposed change to Corpora concerning the categories of membership that count toward branch numbers had been presented to the membership for comment. This change removes the word "subscribing" from the membership requirements for SCA branches to form or advance in status. The effect of the change is that all types of memberships would apply toward a group's status, rather than only Sustaining and International memberships.
Based upon commentary heavily favoring the change, the Board voted to allow all types of membership to count toward branch population counts. The Board elected to take no action at this time on an additional proposal to change the number of members required for branch status.
B. Sanctions Proposal
The Board presented a set of proposed changes to the Governing Documents regarding sanctions. This proposal grew out of work originally done by the Grand Council.
This proposed revision is designed with several goals in mind:
· To give additional options to Royalty faced with the challenges of imposing appropriate sanctions.
· To gather the assorted sections of the Governing Documents concerning sanctions together and ensure compatibility between them.
· To make the rules on sanctions clearer and easier to understand.
· To codify the methods by which administrative sanctions can be applied and appealed.
The Board ordered this proposal placed before the membership for comment, with a commentary due date of October 1, 2004. (Note: The Board has since extended this commentary deadline to December 1, 2004.)
New Business
A. Pennsic War Waiver Variance request
The Board approved the modified waiver for use at Pennsic War XXXIII (August 2004).
B. Peerage Resignation - John Bostwick (Arik Altun)
The Board took note of the resignation of John Bostwick (Arik Altun) as a Master of Arms.
C. SCA .- SCANZ Affiliation Agreement
The Board approved the Affiliation Agreement between the SCA, Inc., and the SCA - New Zealand, effective immediately.
D. Society and Corporate Officers' Handbook
The Board accepted the Society and Corporate Officers' Handbook as presented.
Officers' Reports - action items and policy decisions (note: officers not mentioned here had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board review)
The Board ruled that the President has the authority to sign warrants for Kingdom officers when the appropriate Society officer is unavailable or unable to do so.
Society Seneschal
During a review of the Governing Documents it became apparent that Corpora Section IX.A.5 contains a discrepancy with existing youth combat programs. It reads:
"No person who has not attained his or her sixteenth (16th) birthday may be authorized in armored combat or the marshaling of armored combat. No person who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be authorized for any form of Society combat-related activity...."
The Society Seneschal recommended that this be addressed by changing the wording to read "...No person who has not attained his or her fourteenth (14th) birthday may be authorized for any form of Society Adult combat-related activity."
The Board ordered this proposal put before the membership for comment. Commentary shall be due by October 1, 2004.
Vice President of Corporate Operations
The Corporate Office is currently researching the feasibility of scanning and storing all paperwork onto CDs or other electronic storage format. To ensure our members' sensitive information is securely disposed of, we would either purchase an industrial shredder or contract with a professional shredding company.
Compleat Anachronist Editor
The Compleat Anachronist editor has revised and updated the Author's Guidelines document for that publication. The revised Guidelines shall be made available on www.sca.org.
Society Exchequer
The topic came up regarding closed parties and SCA funds. It was determined that the 'common knowledge' was that SCA funds for Royalty dinners, etc. were not permitted. The only cited reference was in the Exchequer handbook, which isn't policy. Therefore, the Society Exchequer presented the following policy for the Board's review:
Society Branch Financial Policy VII.E (new)
"SCA funds may not be used to reimburse expenses for events or meetings closed to the general populace unless the events or meetings have a business agenda which requires limited attendance, such as officer staff meetings, kingdom councils, and event planning meetings. Kingdom Financial Policies may have additional requirements for reimbursement of these expenses.
Expenses solely incurred for Royalty-only and order-only meetings are specifically ineligible for reimbursement. The Society Chancellor of the Exchequer may grant variances to this policy on a case-by-case basis, based on written requests received no later than 7 days prior to the event or meeting date."
The Board upheld this policy.
Revised financial policies for the Kingdom of Caid and for Estrella War were approved.
Chief Information Architect
The Chief Information Architect requested funds to either travel to his successor's location or bring that person to his location for a weekend to work on the migration from the old server to the new server, as this will be the best way to bring them up to speed on the server setup.
This item was remanded to a future meeting pending appointment of a successor to the office.
Laurel Sovereign of Arms
In a joint effort of the Office of Herald and the Office of the Exchequer, all of the heraldic Kingdom Colleges of Arms are being required to have written financial policies that follow the guidelines set down by the Exchequer. It is hoped that all the Kingdom Colleges of Arms will have written policies in place by the Fourth Quarter 2004 Board Meeting.
The Board returned this policy for further work and input from the Society Exchequer.
Society Marshal
After exhaustive debate, this office has revamped the construction rules on fiberglass spears. This was in an effort to provide a uniform standard for both safety reasons and commerce in the shafts. The combined marshals felt that a slightly modified version of Ansteorra's existing ruling would be best. To wit, the following change to the SCA Marshals' Handbook, Fighter section, section VII.G.:
"Fiberglass spears shall be constructed with pultruded fiberglass shafts with an outside diameter of no less than 1 1/4 inch and no greater than 1 5/16 inch. Wall thickness shall be uniform at all points on the circumference and shall be no less than 3/32 inch and no greater than 5/32 inch. The thrusting end of the fiberglass shaft shall be capped with a PVC cap either taped in place with fiber tape or permanently glued in place, while the butt end of the shaft shall be capped with an easily removed PVC cap, or plug, or taped over to facilitate inspection of the interior of the shaft. No metal is allowed in the construction of a fiberglass spear. No other substance will be added to the interior or exterior of the fiberglass shaft to change the weight, balance, or flexibility of any fiberglass spear. Spliced spears are still permitted under this standard. Spears may weigh no more than six pounds."
This wording was provided by the Standardization committee.
The Board approved this policy.
2. I was asked by the Aethelmearc Kingdom Earl Marshal if dogs were under the Marshallate, I said no. Please uphold that "no". It has always been my impression that pooches were under the A&S office. Horses are enough.
The Board agreed that hound coursing does not fall under the Marshallate, and added that this activity is in fact not regulated at the Corporate level.
3. Under existing guidelines for armor, this office has passed a design for leather gauntlets from Sir Ronan, Kingdom Earl Marshal of Artemisia. They consist of 13 ounce oak tanned leather and 1/2 inch of poly foam.
The Board ruled that this matter falls within the authority of the Marshallate, and no Board action is required.
Society Minister of Arts & Sciences
The Society Minister of Arts & Sciences also asked about the status of hound coursing. This, again, is not an activity regulated at the Corporate level.
The Society Minister asked that the search for a successor to her office commence. The Board ordered that this be done, with an application due date of December 1, 2004.
Society Chirurgeon General
The Chirurgeon General asked that several Pennsic-related questions be referred to the Legal Committee:
1. If Chirurgeons volunteer for Portersville EMS at Pennsic, do they lose liability protection under the Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 and PA Good Samaritan laws? I am concerned that if Portersville has a duty of care in the area (and I believe they do), that any Chirurgeon volunteering for them would not be covered under the VP Act and would lose liability immunity.
2. If Chirurgeons volunteer for Portersville EMS at Pennsic, does this change SCA's duty of care at Pennsic?
3. If Portersville EMS takes over full responsibility for all first aid care at Pennsic, with Chirurgeons volunteering for Portersville instead of the SCA, would the SCA's duty of care be changed?
4. Is SCA Chirurgeonate liability at Pennsic eliminated if Portersville EMS is responsible for providing all first aid services, with Chirurgeons assisting Portersville?
The Board ordered these questions referred to the Legal Committee.
Corporate Development Officer
1. The Corporate Development Officer requested that the Board direct Dave Weiner (SCA Chief Information Architect) to have the full fledged SCA, Inc. Direct Donation webpage completed and functioning by no later than September 1, 2004.
The Board ordered that this be done.
2. The Corporate Development Officer requested financial information so she could search for grants to fund activities such as the recent Society and Corporate Officers' Symposium.
The Board elected to take no action on this item at this time.
"Our ongoing iGive.com fundraising campaign can only be successful if you participate! The SCA, Inc. encourages you to go to www.iGive.com/Anachronism for your online shopping. Every purchase made through this website generates a donation to the SCA, Inc. These contributions help fund Kingdom newsletter stipends, insurance and operations. To give you an example, I made a small purchase from Plow and Hearth for Father's Day. It generated a $4.31 direct donation to the SCA. I was going to make that purchase anyway. It cost me nothing to do it through iGive.com. Now, if even 20% of our membership made a purchase of this nature through www.iGive.com/Anachronism it could mean over $22,000.00 for our beloved organization!"
Grand Council
The discussion regarding the process of seeking commentary identified that while it does not accurately reflect the population of the SCA at large nor the 'will' of the general populace, it does provide useful feedback from individuals who show an interest and a general concern. It was also interpreted that the time-delay involved in the feedback was a necessary cog in the decision-making process that prevented overly-speedy decisions being made before all of the data might be in. One concern seemed to be the ineffectiveness of the process that results in such small returns from given areas. The members of the Grand Council were also given the task of fine-tune their governing document on request from the board to be submitted on completion for approval. Putting aside the obvious 'conflict of interest' arguments the members are attempting to provide a comprehensive, effective document that will enhance their usefulness to the board itself. Much focus was on a collateral request from the board in the middle of the discussion to include term limits for Grand Council members. The consensus regarding this item was that since the Grand Council is a functioning appendage to the board itself then the request must be actioned accordingly. However, a significant number of councilors felt that term limits would either be less useful than the Board hoped or a positive hindrance to the work of the Council.
Legal Committee
The Legal Committee had before it several issues including concerns with copyrights, bad checks, and waivers. The committee continues to research notary requirements in specific states, but agrees with its original finding that the same serve a generally useful purpose, excepting in Canada. Copyright issues with the posting of artwork was examined and recommendations made for gathering permission and options given to the Board of Directors. The equestrian waiver project was completed this quarter through the efforts of Mike Watkins (Aylwin Watkins). The committee agrees that certain information can be kept regarding writers of bad checks and distributed, but only to those accepting such checks, and is otherwise to be kept strictly confidential. The committee currently has before it a question regarding feasts and is researching the same for next quarter's consideration.
Chairman Moore commended and thanked the Legal Committee, and especially Mike Watkins, for the amazing amount of valuable work they have performed and continue to perform on behalf of the SCA.
Executive Session
Society Chronicler applications
Motion by Lis Schraer to appoint Susan Carroll-Clark (Nicolaa de Bracton) to the position of Society Chronicler for the standard three-year term, effective immediately. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Treasurer of the SCA Inc. Applications
Chairman Moore ordered this appointment remanded to the next meeting pending interviews of the candidates.
Revocation and Denial of Membership - Stephanie Goodfellow
Motion by Jason Williams to revoke and deny the membership of Stephanie Goodfellow (Morag the Wanderer) of the Kingdom of Artemisia, effective July 17, 2004. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Revocation and Denial of Membership - Pat St. George
Motion by Lis Schraer to revoke and deny the membership of Pat St. George (Aveline Delinsay) of the Kingdom of An Tir, effective July 17, 2004. Seconded by Jason Williams. In favor: Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Recused: Jeff Brown. Motion carried.
Chief Information Architect applications
Chairman Moore ordered this appointment remanded to the next meeting pending interviews of the candidates.
Investigation Summary - Anthony Tamboury
By consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that the Board accepts the investigation report.
Absolute Banishment - Benjamin Schragger
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the absolute banishment of Benjamin Schragger (Ben the Steward) imposed by Gaufred Kelson and Geneivere, King and Queen of the East, on April 3, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to continue his investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Revocation and Denial of Membership - John Dyer
Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to the October 2004 quarterly meeting.
Revocation and Denial of Membership - Nadine Hanson
Motion by Gary Raine to revoke and deny the membership of Nadine Hanson (Sorcha ingen Lurain) of the Kingdom of An Tir, effective July 17, 2004. Seconded by Jason Williams. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Absolute Banishment - Tony Tamboury
Motion by Jason Willliams to uphold the absolute banishment of Tony Tamboury (Anton Polander) imposed by Uther and Kaaren, King and Queen of the West, on May 29, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Banishment from the Realm - Robert Meyer
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the banishment from the realm of Robert Meyer (Robert of Westmarch) imposed by Hans and Ivone, King and Queen of the West, on January 29, 2004. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Absolute Banishment - Derrick Boos
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the absolute banishment of Derrick Boos (Gwydion ap Kynwric) imposed by Siridean and Sile, King and Queen of Calontir, on May 30, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership; further, that Mr. Boos henceforth be prohibited from holding any position of financial responsibility within the SCA. Seconded by Gary Raine. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Recused: Lis Schraer. Motion carried.
Absolute Banishment - Wyman Taylor
Motion by Jason Williams to uphold the absolute banishment of Wyman Taylor (Wyman) imposed by Gareth and Anneis, King and Queen of Meridies, on March 21, 2004, and that the Society Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Confirmation of Director Jason Williams
Director Jason Williams left the room for this agenda item.
Motion by Gary Raine to confirm Jason Williams to seat D on the Board of Directors for the remainder of the standard term. Seconded by Lis Schraer. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Linda Moore, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs report
The Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs presented a report to the Directors.
Wyman Taylor Banishment Appeal
Motion by Jason Williams to deny the appeal by Wyman Taylor (Wyman) of the absolute banishment imposed upon him by Gareth and Anneis, King and Queen of Meridies, on March 21, 2004. Seconded by Dena Cady. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried
Personnel Changes
Chairman Moore announced the resignation from the Board of Directors of Hal Simon, and accepted with great regret.
The Board elected Thomas Hughes (Sean O'Shaughnessy) to assume the vacant seat left by the departure of Hal Simon. He will take that seat at the close of the October 2004 quarterly meeting.
In view of the sudden resignation of Hal Simon, and in order to maintain continuity on the Board of Directors, the Directors voted to extend the term of Chairman Linda Moore by one quarter, to the close of the January 2005 quarterly meeting.
Ombudsman Assignments
Ombudsman assignments are as follows:
Linda Moore: President, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs, Society Seneschal, Corporate Office, Legal Committee, Corporate Development Officer, Artemisia, Atenveldt, Outlands
Jeff Brown: AEthelmearc, East, Middle, Chief Information Architect
Dena Cady: Caid, Lochac, West, Chirurgeon, Communications
Gary Raine: Atlantia, An Tir, Calontir, Heralds
Lis Schraer: Drachenwald, Ealdormere, Arts & Sciences, Board Recruiting, Financial Officers
Jason Williams: Ansteorra, Meridies, Northshield, Trimaris, Marshal, Grand Council
Quarterly Meeting Schedule
The Fourth Quarter 2004 meeting will be held October 23, 2004, in Dallas, Texas (Kingdom of Ansteorra).
The First Quarter 2005 meeting will be held January 22, 2005, in Portland, Oregon (Kingdom of An Tir).
The Second Quarter 2005 meeting will be held April 16, 2005. The tentative location is the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The Third Quarter 2005 meeting will be held July 16, 2005. The tentative location is the Kingdom of Artemisia.
The Fourth Quarter 2005 meeting will be held October 15, 2005. The tentative location is the Kingdom of AEthelmearc.
June 3, 2004
I. Recurring Business
A Routine Changes in Status
Shires of Alderford, Gwyntarian, and Thistle (Crawford, Morrow, Richland, Ashland, Medina, Wayne, Stark, Summit, Portage, Carroll, Holmes, and Tuscarawas Counties, Ohio) - to Barony of Brendoken
By consensus, the Board took note of the above status change.
II. New Business
A Legal expenses - Kingdom of Calontir
By consensus, Chairman Moore ruled that the SCA Inc. is willing to assist with a Kingdom's necessary legal fees on a case-by-case basis.
III. Executive Session
A Revocation and Denial of Membership - Stephanie Goodfellow
By consensus, Chairman Moore ordered this item remanded to the July meeting.
B Confirmation of Director Hal Simon
At this point Director Hal Simon left the meeting.
Motion by Gary Raine to confirm Hal Simon to seat C on the Board of Directors for the remainder of the standard term. Seconded by Jason Williams. In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Linda Moore, Gary Raine, Lis Schraer, Jason Williams. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
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