[Ansteorra-announce] (no subject)

Theresa Kwasny thkwasny at cox-internet.com
Mon Mar 22 17:12:22 PST 2004

I would like to take a moment to recognize a few heroes.

Sir Jean-Paul DeSens
HE. Ainar Magnesson
HE. Gunhilda Amberstar
Don Timothy LeCorbusier
Don Elric Dracwin DeSwansea
Ld. Facon DuPrey
Ly. Faolan MacPharlane
Ld. Masamune no Yahaki
Ly. Kelandra Carmichael
Ld. Chandranath Mithra
Ly. Myllisant d'Impinton
Ld. Redulf Von Kol
Ld. Rafe Slater
Ly. Sabine Slater
Conal MacEoghain
Renault de Mont St. Michel
Micheal de Medici
Asric Maginhal

Northern Ansteorra fielded 18 rapier fighters for the war point battles at
Gulf War.  That may not sound like many, but it is a record number for our
region.  Furthermore, those 18 fighters made up 23% of the Ansteorra's
rapier force.  Northern Ansteorra also supplied 3 of the 6 requisite field
marshals for the war points: myself, Ly. Quentin de Rougemont and Laird Ian
Dun Gillan.

I submit a challenge to the Central, Coastal, Southern and Western regions.
Join us on the rapier field next year at Gulf War.  Show us your best
numbers.  Help us prove to the Known World what we already know; that
Ansteorra is an invincible force.  They need a reminder, perhaps so do we.

HL Therese Maria Giovanni
Northern Regional Rapier Commander - Ansteorra

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