[Ansteorra-announce] Texas Craft Initiative

Carolle Ternus cternus at texas.net
Thu May 27 19:52:44 PDT 2004

Forwarded from another list I'm on, for those of you who sell what you make.

Texas Commission on the Arts is embarking upon a new Texas Craft Initiative to support craft artists all across Texas.  Although the initiative is in the earliest stage, there is already an important way you can get involved: Stand up and be counted!

In order to best support craft artists and craft resources, TCA needs to know the size and scope of the craft field in Texas.  We think they'll do great things with this initiative, and we hope you will be as excited as we are and get involved!  Please take a moment to follow this link http://www.arts.state.tx.us/craft/ and fill out the brief form.  And please spread the word to all of the artists in your community and those you know across the state. 

And while you're browsing around the TCA website, you might want to check out their upcoming conference -  http://www.arts.state.tx.us/tools/index.asp - It looks terrific.

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