[Ansteorra-announce] Steppes 12th Night Information!

Ashia Yother hoppersgal at juno.com
Sun Oct 17 13:13:19 PDT 2004

Greetings from the 12th Night Stewards!

As many of you know the theme for this year’s 12th Night is folktales.  In order to better explain the theme we have come up with a definition of ‘folktales’ and various websites to help you discover your own favorite tale.  

Folktale - A tale which can contain religious and mythical elements but, it typically concerns itself with the mundane traditions of everyday life. They are stories that grow out of the lives and imaginations of the people, or folk. They are a form of traditional literature which began as an attempt to explain and understand the natural and spiritual world. The origin of the folktale lies in the oral tradition, until the twelfth century, when first literary sources began to circulate in Europe.

Websites of Interest - 




There will be contest with a prize for the table that best represents a period folktale.  Another contest will be held for best man and woman’s costume portraying a folktale.  

We still need volunteers for many areas of 12th Night.  If you would like to help we certainly won’t turn you away!  Our most needed areas are, feast servers, set up and tear down crew and help with gate.  

Please feel free to cross post this to any list you feel would be interested.  

Yours in Service,

12th Night Stewards

Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
(Traci Hunniwell - traci at crimsonvision.net)


Ldy Allessandra di Giovanni 
(Ashia Yother - cowgirlashia at yahoo.com)

or both of us at  - 12thnightstewards at comcast.net

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