[Ansteorra-announce] Borderkeep

RichardandDebra Parrish armand_caitrin at juno.com
Mon Oct 18 22:46:59 PDT 2004

	Friends of Ansteorra...

Some have wondered 'where' and 'how' to pack the blocks of stone to bring
to Borderkeep.

Do not worry yourselves, we will have a "$-donation-$" cup next to gate
at Autumn Melees. You will be given a reciept of the  number of 'stones'
you purchase. These are to be brought down to the Inspection area prior
to the fighting.
Some battles will be 'limited resurrection', this allows you to have, yet
a few more lives... within reason :)

Know that Bordermarch looks forward to seeing you, upon that weeks end. 

War is approaching, soon it will be time to answer the call. We have to
be ready to march to the east, to the land of Meridies.

Ansteorra is a Kingdom of great courage, honor and loyalty. 
Please support her in attending 'Three Kings' , held by the noble shire
of Rosenfeld. 
Autumn Melees is your next stop in this journey, both in the month of
These celebrations will prepare us for war, in the spring.
A time to see old friends... perhaps meet some new ones.

It is asked that you bring your banners to both events. Let all know how
far you traveled.

I remain,
    Baron of Bordermarch

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