[Ansteorra-announce] Chirurgeonate/WB Iron Siege Cook-Off At Elfsea Defender XXVI

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 2 08:04:32 PDT 2004

Chirurgeonate/WB Iron Siege Cook-Off At Elfsea Defender XXVI

Greetings Good Gentles of our Stellar Kingdom,
Come one come all and claim the title of Ansteorran Chirurgeonate & Water Bearers Guild Siege Chef Extraordinaire at Elfsea Defender XXVI.

We of the Chirurgeonate & Water Bearers Guild do send our warmest wishes for a wonderful Defender this year. We would like to help in this endeavor by hosting a Iron/Siege Cook-Off at 0900-1200 on Saturday Morning of the event (Date 25 SEP 04 times 0900-1200 hours)
It is open to all of the populace. Teams can be from Branches or households or just 3 friends who like to cook. Weather you have done a feast or not. If you just want to have fun &/or be challenged with cooking.
The outcome of the cooking will become the Royal/Noble & Wedding Luncheon (for THL Caelin on Andrede & Cear Megan also known as Pyro, who are to be married later that evening) for Elfsea Defender.

Contest/List Master: THL Caelin on Andrede

Judges are as follows:
Her RM Sibri
Duchess Conal
Lady Servita
Lady Kandyce
Lady Gerita
Lady Aislyn Glynwyrd Fen

The Scenario:
You have been besieged for two months in your manor/castle. And your supplies are getting very low. Your fearless leader has decided to invite the opposition leader and two of his companions to parley. You must stretch your cooking skills to the limit to give the impression you have lots of food left and can hold out for as long as necessary.  

Team size will be 3 people, with one listed as team captain/head chef.
Pre-registration Required! Registration fee is $10 (to be collected morning of event) with name of team and contact information for the designated team captain/head chef.
Please email Team Name, members’ names & Team Captain/Head Chef’s contact info to

rjt at softwareinnovation.com  or

chirurgeon at ansteorra.org  or

arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com

and you will get a copy of the complete rules sent to you.



In Service always, to the 
Chirurgeonate, Kingdom, & the Dream,

Herr Arkell vom Cophus
Kingdom Chirurgeon 
Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra
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