[Ansteorra-announce] Year end Archery Scores

Bob Dewart gilli at hot.rr.com
Sun Jan 23 15:37:02 PST 2005

Greetings and Hi There Folks,

Just thought you might like to know how the Kingdom finished in last years
InterKingdom Archery Competitions.  Barring any last minute corrections,
here are the finally standings.

    Ansteorra 2nd Place
        Robert of Emerald Keep  313*
        Ryan of Middleford  224*
        Coltun Cumberland  74

        * These two young men finish 2nd and 3rd in the Known World in this
Division and will receive Society medallions.

    Ansteorra 3rd Place
        Edward MacTavish  154
        Gilbert Ost Westley  114
        Ulrich Von Budigen  91

    Ansteorra 11th Place
        Arthur Blackmoon  205
        Jacque de Aix  196
        Leofwine on Sumersaeton

    Ansteorra 6th Place
        Roger Bagley  254
        William Ironwyrm  205
        Edward MacTavish  201

    Ansteorra 2nd Place
        Robert of Yorkshire  192
        Gilbert Ost Westley  174
        Randall of Middleford  166

    Ansteorra 4th Place
        Roger Bagley  256
        William Ironwyrm  186
        Edward MacTavish  168

I wish to extend my personal thanks to all those who shot the competitions
and all those who helped make it possible.  The award medallions have been
ordered and will be presented at this year's Academy of the Bow.


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