[Ansteorra-announce] would like your opinion

Her Ladyship Arabella de Montacute hlarabella at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 7 16:12:45 PDT 2005

Greetings to all of you,

Well it has been a year since 25th year.  I think I've finally recovered and
am looking toward to the future.  For the next seven days or so, I would
like to pose a question to all of Ansteorra, my fellow brother and sisters.

I know most all of you have opinions.  I am currently doing research, if you
will humor me please.  I will keep track of all responses and report of my
findings in the end. Answer 1 or all of my questions.  I just want to know
your opinion.

Please reply to the ansteorran list or to myself privately
hlarabella at sbcglobal.net

I want to know negatives first.

Question 1
What did you NOT like about Ansteorran 25th Year?

What did not work?

What should be done differently?

What are your suggestions how to fix what was wrong?

Thanks for your help and opinions,
Her ladyship Arabella de Montacute

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