[Ansteorra-announce] Thanks for help with red tape sideboard

Chris Blank lyonettevanleyden at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 09:29:16 PDT 2005

Hey all,

  Thanks to all who helped carry in all the food at
Red Tape this weekend! And Thanks escpecially to those
who helped serve and refill- Elmer of  Dragons Fire
Tor, And Bell of Loch, (there was another really sweet
lady who helped who name has escaped me-
(embarassment)).  I hope all who had lunch enjoyed it.
 I really had fun serving.  I'd also like to thank the
autocrat of the event, Janie and the senecal for
Dragons Fire Tor- Thomas for their support.  They are
fabulous!  I hope the event went as smoothly all of
you- I know it did for me and their hard work was a
large reason.  

HL Lyonette van Leyden

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