[Ansteorra-announce] Stefan's Florilegium article for March

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Fri Mar 4 15:54:35 PST 2005

Greetings to the Gentles of the Known World,

Here is a copy of this months Florilegium article, detailing what is 
knew at the Florilegium site for the month of March.

If any of you are editors for local SCA newsletters and you would like 
to get a copy of this monthly article for publication a few weeks in 
advance, so you can meet your publication lead-times, please contact me 
to be put on my list.

I will be at the Gulf Wars event in the Kingdom of Meridies in a couple 
of weeks. If any of you are going to be there and would like to come by 
and discuss the Florilegium or anything else, please do. I will be 
camping with my home barony, the Barony of Bryn Gwlad, and we are 
usually camped opposite the Ansteorra gate. Just look for a large 
square pavilion with red trim and a banner with my device, which you 
can see on the Florilegium site.

A Blending of the Past and Present

Over the past fifteen years in an ongoing effort, I have been 
collecting bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail 
lists and articles submitted to me by their authors. In order to make 
this information available to others, I have placed this information in 
a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium is on the web at: http://www.florilegium.org

I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article 
that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me 
for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. Contact me for more details.

I am also interested in volunteers who might be interested in helping 
me maintain the Florilegium. Everything from collecting materials, 
editing and web work is needed. Again, please contact me for more 

For those who would like to help support the Florilegium project in 
another way, I have added a PayPal donation button on the top page of 
the site. Any donations, while not tax deductible, do help pay the 
overhead costs of keeping the site running.

      THLord Stefan li Rous   Ansteorra    stefan at florilegium.org

Here are the new files for this month:
In the CHILDREN section:
    children-SCA-lnks    Links to info on children in the SCA
                            by Dame Aoife Finn of Ynos Mon.
In the ENTERTAINMENT section:
    Brf-Lok-Tennis-art   "A Brief Look at Tennis" by Baron Hrolf 
In the FEASTS section:
    bread-for-fsts-msg   Baking and buying bread for SCA feasts.
    NP-Italisn-fst-art   An Italian feast done by Bear for
                            Namron Protectorate XXVIII.
In the FOOD section:
    medvl-cooking-lnks   Links on medieval cooking by Dame Aoife Finn
                            of Ynos Mon.
In the FOOD-VEGETABLES section:
    greens-msg           Period cooked, leafy vegetables.
In the UNCATALOGUED section:
    Peer-Fear-art        Two articles on "Peer Fear" and on
                            "Associate Training". (humor)

Here are just a some of the updated files, usually those with the 
largest amounts of new material:
    artichokes-msg       Period artichokes. Recipes. Cardoons.
    beets-msg            Period beet roots and beet greens. Recipes.
    books-food-msg       Books about food. Not cookbooks.
    cb-rv-Apicius-msg    Reviews of cookbooks having Apicius recipes.
    celery-msg           Period celery. Recipes. References.
    dairy-prod-msg       Dairy products. milk, butter, curds, cream.
    gourds-msg           Gourds, pumpkins, squash. Recipes.
    mushrooms-msg        Period mushrooms. Recipes.
    olives-msg           Period olives. Processing fresh olives.
    turnips-msg          Turnips in period. Recipes.
Copyright 2005, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if 
the contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the 
publication. Notification may be by email and reformatting is allowed.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas          
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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