[Ansteorra-announce] War Chieftain/Cavalier of the Bridge

Robin Lindsey moiranliam at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 3 10:48:24 PDT 2005

War Chieftain & Cavalier of the Bridge - October 29-31
Come join the Shire of Middleford for War Chieftain-Cavalier of the Bridge. Our theme this year is Fall Harvest Festival. We will have Chivalric list, Rapier list, Equestrian activities, Archery, an A&S competition, and Bardic. Children's activities include Trick or Treating for an hour after Feast! (Please bring a bag of candy to hand out to the kids. All costumes welcome for 10 and under.) Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. They may also attend with a 21 year or older adult with a signed and notarized Minor Event Waiver Form from the parents.
Parrie Haynes Ranch, 201 Gann Branch Road, Killeen, TX 76549 13 miles south of Killeen (see map below). Site opens at $pm on 28 Oct and closes 1 PM on 30 Oct. Campsites have water and electric hookups, no RV hookups. There are 15 two-horse pole-fenced pens at most of the campsites for people with horses. Horses must have negative Coggins test. All pets allowed, on leashes. Site is wet. Merchants welcome, please contact the autocrat. 
Site Fee: $10 adults, $6 Children 5-14, under 5 free, $32 family cap.
Feast Fee: $7 Adults, $5 Children 5-12
For Feast reservations (75 seats) contact the autocrat.
Make checks payable to SCA Inc, Shire of Middleford.
Autocrat: Gillian Roy de Kockerham (Jill Roy) 3614 Water St Killeen, TX 76543
(254) 699-8586 Gillianwolf at yahoo.com
Co-Autocrat: Ly Meliora Coeur d'Azure (Nancy Harkness)
(254) 628-8277 nharkness at hot.rr.com

Go to http://middleford.ansteorra.org/events.htm  for a map to the site.

William Willett & Robin Lindsey
moiranliam at earthlink.net

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