[Ansteorra-announce] Fwd: [MCH] SECOND UPDATE - Meridies Disaster Relief - PLEASE PASS ON TO ALL LISTS

Corbisier, Barbara L barb at tamu.edu
Wed Sep 14 18:26:00 PDT 2005

A missive from Her Grace, Isabella of York of the East Kingdom.

In service,
-Lady Catherine Barbary

Forwarded From: "West-Crowe, Tonessa" <twest-crowe at fulbright.com>

> Greetings To The Lists!
> The outpouring of generosity for our family in Meridies has been
> overwhelming and inspiring!  Much has been collected to aid their basic
> needs.  Everyday I receive emails of support and offers of housing,
> monies and amazing items, such as computers, musical instruments,
> scribal supplies, and so forth.  This makes me proud to be part of the
> SCA and this great family. Effectively we have taken this disaster and
> created new policies, laws and systems against future events such as
> this.  The Board of Directors have coined new policies to meet those
> needs and you should be award of them.  (See
> http://www.sca.org/docs/katrina.html)  The last number of years have
> taught us new lessons by heaving upon us new challenges in this
> ever-changing existence.  Many folks who are not members have been
> inspired by your spirit and have also offered to help in our cause,
> knowing that our membership touches every community, with members from
> every walk of life.
> Although we have made an impact, the work is not done.  Now is the time
> for rebuilding lives and to re-knit back the social fabric which has
> been torn by this disaster.  Again, I call upon you for your support.
> How can you help?  There are a number of drives presently offered:
> "Nuts and Bolts for Life" a drive for the collection of fabric and
> sewing machines; the Gift Card drive to place goods personally into the
> hands of those who need them to repair their homes and lives.  You can
> find out more about these campaigns by going to:
> http://forums.eastkingdom.org/viewforum.php?f=3 (under Fundraisers).
> For those who would like to send a monetary donations, you may do so by
> sending your checks or money orders to:
> Duchess Lethern
> Sara Nichols
> 175 Lucile Lane
> Lilburn, GA 30047
> Please make checks payable to:  Medieval Disaster Relief
> A paypal account is being set up for those who want to make a donation
> in this manner.  Please check the site for details.  For a more complete
> record, please send a check or money order.
> For more information on the Hurricane Disaster events and efforts,
> please go to:  http://www.maxandlethrenn.org/hurricane_relief/
> For offers of employment and housing information, please visit:
> http://forums.eastkingdom.org/viewtopic.php?t=17
> Please keep records of all donations and donors and place them on our
> forum site under "Fundraising - "Donors" so that we can keep a record of
> the East's efforts in this regard and to respectfully acknowledge folks
> generosity and kindness.  Or, if you choose not to be public about your
> support, you may send me a email for my records.
> Whatever you can do on Meridies behalf is gratefully accepted, please
> visit the forum for ideas of support or to register your thoughts on
> what we can do.  Whether your support is personal or through you local
> event, it will make a difference in the lives of every one of us.
> With heartfelt thanks and gratitude,
> Duquesa Isabella of York
> East Kingdom Coordinator for Meridies Relief
> Please Excuse if you have received this more than once.
> Be Aware! -- This is a unofficial confidential Maunche e-mail list.  Information from it should not 
be shared or forwarded with non-members of this list without the express permission of the 

Orationem pulchram non habens, scribo ista linea in lingua Latina.

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