[Ansteorra-announce] Youth Rapier Marshals of Ansteorra

elizabeth at crouchet.com elizabeth at crouchet.com
Tue Jun 13 14:39:50 PDT 2006

Greetings to the Youth Rapier Marshals of Ansteorra!

If you are an Authorizing or a Local Youth Rapier Marshal then you are a Warranted Officer of this kingdom. As 
such I need to have all of the following paperwork on file for each of you. Please make a fresh copy of all of these 
documents and send them to me right away to be sure your warrant continues in the next reign. After that I will only 
need fresh copies of your membership cards when you renew. 

*   Application for office (http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/Application.pdf)
*   Copy of your Driver's license or ID
*   Copy of your  SCA Membership card, both sides
*   Copies of your Youth Rapier Authorization card, both sides

Please send each of these documents even if you think I already have them. Electronic scans are sufficient or you can 
mail photo copies. If you send electronic scans, please send them in a reduced and/or compressed format that is 
smaller than 3Meg.

Sending these documents is a requirement to be included on the next warrant. It is required at the Corporate level and 
is not flexible! The next warrant will be signed at the beginning of the next reign. If you do not meet the requirements 
to be included on the next warrant then you are no longer a serving officer/marshal for Youth Rapier in this kingdom. 
At a minimum, I must have a copy of your SCA Membership card no later than June 30. Do not delay getting me the 
SCA Membership card information if it is taking extra time to provide the rest of it. Then get the rest of it in ASAP. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Please keep in touch. Guardian of the Queen's Hope will be 
fought at Queen's Champion Tournament in July. Let's get as many fighters ready as we can!

In Service,
Claire Shayhan
Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal

For now my address is:
youth_rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org
this may change again.

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