[Ansteorra-announce] Final Call for Bids

Erik Langhans ELanghans at khou.com
Wed Mar 1 12:44:57 PST 2006

I have the following bids in hand.  If your bid does not appear below let me know ASAP.

July Coronation: Moonshadowe, Tir Medion
July 06 Round Table: Rosenfeld, Bryn Gwlad
July 06 Queens: Lindenwood
Sept 06 Crown:  Bryn Gwlad

TRM will be making a decision on Friday March 10 regarding which groups get awarded these three events: Sept 06 Crown, July 06 Queens, July 06 Round Table.

If you plan on submitting a bid for any of these 3 events please send both the Crown and I an email letting us know a bid is on the way.  Emailed bids are prefered.

In addition I will be presenting to TRH at Crown all bids for July Coronation so they can make a decision very very shortly thereafter.  So final bids need to be in my hand by March 25th.

Thanks for all your work in putting these bids together and supporting our Kingdom.


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