No subject
Sat May 27 12:58:44 PDT 2006
At the July 20, 2002 quarterly meeting, after several months of
collecting comments from
the membership, the Board of Directors instituted a nonmember surcharge
of $3 on
admission to events.=A0 The Board directed the Vice President of Corporate
Society Seneschal, and Society Exchequer, and the appropriate Kingdom
officers to
establish implementation proceedures.=A0 After three months of study, the
SCA's officers
presented the following guidelines for NMS implementation.
How the NMS applies:
(1) The NMS will apply to events which meet the requirements defined in
section II.C., "...Society events for which a full announcement
including date, time, and
place has been published in advance in the appropriate corporate
publication;" and for
which a fee or required donation to attend the event is charged.
(2) The NMS will not be collected if there is no fee or reqired donation
to attend the
(3) The NMS will not be collected for minors for whom there is a
discounted event
Default proceedure for NMS implementation:
(1) Each Kingdom will collect the NMS and forward monies in US fund to
Corporate Office on a quarterly basis.
(2) The KS and KCEx will be responsible for ensuring compliance.
(3) Implementation alternatives may be presented to, and approved by,
the Soc Sen
and Treasurer of the SCA, Inc.=A0 Final approval of alternatives will be
reviewed by the
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
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