[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report of the April, 2006 Quarterly Meeting

LMOORE2122 at wi.rr.com LMOORE2122 at wi.rr.com
Wed May 10 08:08:16 PDT 2006


This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s 
most recent Board of Directors meeting, held April 22, 2006 in 
Richmond, Virginia, in the Kingdom of Atlantia. This material may be 
freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to 
share this information with the general membership. Permission is 
hereby granted to reprint all or part of this report in Kingdom, 
Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source 
of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of 
the April, 2006 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact 
quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official 
Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this 
document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any 
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own. 

Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A 
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved 
at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA 
web site (http://www.sca.org/). 

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on July 15, 2006, in 
Indianapolis, Indiana, in the Middle Kingdom. The deadline for 
submission of agenda items is July 1, 2006. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Linda Moore 
President, SCA Inc. 
Branch Status Changes

The Board took note of three new branches: the College of Cranehaven, 
(Chelan and West Douglas Counties WA – USA), the Shire of Rhuddglynn  
(Medicine Hat, Alberta – Canada), and the Shire of Ravensley (Port 
Alberni, BC-Canada), all in the Kingdom of An Tir.  There were two 
changes in status: the Shire of Dregate, (Omak, WA) in the Kingdom of 
An Tir moved from the Principality of Tir Righ back to Central An Tir, 
and the Shire of Marcaster (Pinellas County, Florida) became a Barony 
in the Kingdom of Trimaris.  There were no dissolutions this quarter.

Old Business

Exchequer Handbooks
The Chancellor of the Exchequer Kingdom Officer’s Handbook and the 
Chancellor of the Exchequer Local Officer’s Handbook were both 
approved by the Board.  

Society Exchequer Land-Use Policy

At the October 2005 quarterly meeting, the Society Exchequer asked 
that the Land Use Policy be moved from the Chancellor of the 
Exchequer’s Officers Handbook to Corporate Policies.  

The policy reads:


A. Funds may be designated to the purchase or improvement of real 
estate by branches, provided that the source, maintenance, and purpose 
of any such funds are clearly designated within the branch’s financial 
B. No representative of the SCA may financially obligate the SCA to 
the purchase or substantial improvement of real estate without prior 
approval of the Board of Directors.  An improvement will be considered 
to be substantial if :

(1)It requires a building permit or other clearance from the local 
(2)It increases the fair market value of the property, or
(3)It is constructed in a manner that makes its portability to another 
site  questionable or unfeasible.

C. A separate incorporation for the purpose of holding real estate may 
be required by the Board of Directors.

After receiving commentary from the membership, the Board voted to 
move this policy to Corporate Policies 14, renumbering the remaining 
policies as appropriate.

New Business
SCA-SCAA Operating Agreement

The Board was presented and signed an updated operating agreement with 
the SCA-Australia, reflecting their new corporate structure and name.

Officers' Reports
Action items and policy decisions (note: officers not mentioned here 
had no action items or policy decisions to present for Board review): 

President Moore commended Patrick Anderson, chair of the Legal 
Committee, and outgoing Director Dena Cady, and thanked them for their 

Vice President of Operations (Society Seneschal)
Mr. Reed commended the Autocrats and Staff for Estrella War, 2006; the 
Autocrats and Staff for Gulf Wars, 2006; the Middle Kingdom Media 
Officer; several outgoing Kingdom seneschals; and Dena Cady, Director, 
SCA, Inc for their hard work and service.

Vice President of Corporate Operations
Ms. Signorotti commended Dena Cady, outgoing Director for her service 
to the SCA, and Tim Jennings, Society Minister of Arts and Sciences 
for his assistance in finding books for the stock clerk to carry.  She 
also asked the Board to approve a business plan for a curriculum-
enhancement program to be used to assist school groups and teachers, 
and was given approval by the Board.

Tournaments Illuminated Editor and Art Director
As their warrants expire in January 2007, they are beginning the 
search for their successors.

The Treasurer asked for the Board to approve the Kingdom and Local 
Officer Exchequer Handbooks, which has already been done.   Mr. 
Andrist commended Susan Early, the Society Exchequer, for all of her 
hard work in preparing these handbooks.  

Society Exchequer 
In addition to the handbooks which were presented for approval, Ms. 
Early presented a change to Society Financial Policy IV.A. as 
follows:  "All funds will be maintained in an account with a 
recognized banking institution or credit union. Investment in stocks 
or financial accounts that are not insured by the federal or 
equivalent government is prohibited without prior written 
authorization from the Society Exchequer." which included the wording 
about credit unions and insured accounts, at the request of the 
Treasurer.   This change was approved by the Board.

Updated Financial Policies for Artemisia, Atlantia and the West 
Kingdom were approved by the Board.  Ms. Early also commended several 
kingdoms for getting their financial domesday reports in ahead of 

Investment Committee
The Investment Committee presented several buy and sell 
recommendations, and set stop-loss amounts.  The Board approved the 
sell recommendations and the stop-loss amounts, but returned the buy 
suggestions for additional information and recommendations.  

Mr. Roderick commended several outgoing Kingdom Earls Marshal for 
their service to their Kingdoms.  The update to the Marshal’s Handbook 
is ongoing, and should be presented at the July, 2006 quarterly 
meeting for approval.

Minister of Arts and Sciences
Mr. Jennings requested approval of a policy regarding the status of 
unofficial guilds within the Society.  The Board returned this policy 
to him, in conjunction with the Society Seneschal and Exchequer for 
further work.  He also commended outgoing Kingdom MoAS’ for their work.

Society Chirurgeon
Dr. Hart-Carlock requested some items be turned to the Legal committee 
for assistance.  The Board returned these to her for further work and 
clarification.  She also commended several outgoing Kingdom 
Chirurgeons for their service to their Kingdoms.  

Executive Session

Society Exchequer Applications
The deadline for Society Exchequer applications has been extended 
until May 31, 2006.  The Board will continue to accept applications 
for this position until that time.

Bruce Parker Revocation and Denial of Membership
By consensus, pending the receipt of court documents, Chairman 
Williams ordered this item remanded to the July 2006 quarterly meeting.

Maria Martino (Phaedra Maria da Frasso) Revocation and Denial of 
By consensus, pending the receipt of court documents, Chairman 
Williams ordered this item remanded to the July 2006 quarterly meeting.

Barbara Busillo (Caitlin) Revocation and Denial of Membership
Motion by Tom Hughes to revoke and deny the membership of Barbara 
Busillo (Caitlin) effective April 22, 2006.  Seconded by Gabrielle 
Underwood.  In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Heather English, Tom 
Hughes, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none.  Chairman 
Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the 
motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Robert Bower Revocation and Denial of Membership
Motion by Dena Cady to revoke and deny the membership of Robert Bower 
(Richard of Wolfscarin) effective April 22, 2006.  Seconded by 
Gabrielle Underwood.  In favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Heather 
English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none.  
Motion carried.

Lyn Goodnight - Absolute Banishment
Director Jeff Brown recused himself from voting on this issue.

Motion by Heather English to uphold the absolute banishment of Lyn 
Goodnight (Lorette de Papillion) imposed by Uther and Angharad, King 
and Queen of An Tir on January 14, 2006, and that the Society 
Seneschal be directed to begin an investigation into a possible 
revocation and denial of membership.  Seconded by Gabrielle 
Underwood.  In favor: Dena Cady, Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn 
Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Recused:  Jeff Brown.  
Motion carried.

Jacqui Ziegler - Administration Sanction Review	
Motion by Tom Hughes to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an 
investigation into the actions of Jacqui Ziegler (Shauna of Carrick 
Point) subsequent to the Administrative Sanctions imposed by the 
Society Exchequer on April 15, 2005. Seconded by Heather English.  In 
favor: Jeff Brown, Dena Cady, Heather English, Tom Hughes, Shawn Reed, 
Gabrielle Underwood. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

Personnel Changes
Ombudsman Assignments were changed as follows:

• Jason Williams: President, Executive Assistant, Society Seneschal, 
Corporate Office, Legal Committee
• Jeff Brown:  Northshield, Aethelmearc, East, Middle, Information 
Technology, Marshal
• Heather English: Arts and Sciences, Ealdormere, Artemisia
• Tom Hughes:  Financial Officers, Atenveldt, Outlands, Grand Council
• Shawn Reed: An Tir, Calontir, Chirurgeons, Atlantia
• Hal Simon:  Caid, Lochac, West, Heralds, Communications
• Gabrielle Underwood:  Ansteorra, Meridies, Trimaris, Gleann Abhann, 
Drachenwald, Board Recruiting

Quarterly Meeting Schedule
The Third Quarter 2006 meeting will be held July 15, 2006, in 
Indianapolis, IN in the Middle Kingdom. 
The Fourth Quarter 2006 meeting will be held October 21, 2006, in 
Memphis, TN in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.
The First Quarter 2007 meeting will be held January 20, 2007, 
tentatively in the Kingdom of Caid.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to: 
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email comments at lists.sca.org
or reply to this message.

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

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