[Ansteorra-announce] Lindenwood's "Believe It or Not" -- June 10th!

casadevaca at charter.net casadevaca at charter.net
Wed May 31 17:53:35 PDT 2006


I would like to warmly invite one and all to Lindenwood's "Believe It or Not" to be held in Irving, Texas on June 10th!  There will be much fun, laughter and revelry to be had!

We will have:
	* Children's Activities
	* Mystery Piece Arts and Sciences Competition (details listed below)
	* Body Parts Tournament for Chivalric and Rapier fighters (details listed below)
	* Arts and Sciences classes in our **Air-Conditioned Hall**

Site Fees:
$5.00 per adult; $3.00 for children 5 and up; family cap $16.00
*$3.00 Non-Member surcharge without proof of membership

Site opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 9:00 p.m.
Site is dry and no pets except service animals.
No lit candles in the hall

Senter East Building
225 Chamberlain Street
Irving, Texas 75060 

Your in Service,
Lady Maria Cabeca de Vaca, Event Autocrat
(mka Christine Huse)
casadevaca at charter.net
6031 Sunnyside Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76119
(682) 557-1183
please no calls after 10:00 p.m. 

Mystery Piece Competition Rules:
1. The object must have been a practical item in general use in the old world after 200 A.D and before 1600 A.D. 
2. The use of the object, as reconstructed, must not be immediately obvious to the casual observer. 
3. The object, as reconstructed, should not be so ornamental as to obscure its intended purpose. 
4. The entrant should be able to document the object and demonstrate its use. 
5. The use of the object must be within the bounds of good taste and decorum. 

Each piece will layed on the table with a "Guess What This Might Be" sheet. All are invited to write down their guesses as to what the piece actually is or what it was used for.  After the winner is announced artisans will be asked to come up and explain what their piece it was and what it was used for.

Body Parts Tournament Rules:
This is a bear-pit style tournament.  You will need to collect 1 head, 1 body, 1 left arm, 1 right arm, 1 left leg and 1 right leg. When you have been knocked out of the pit you will need to tell our list mistress the parts you have collected.  The first one to get an entire body wins the tournament.

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