[Ansteorra-announce] Kingdom A&S Bid Proposal

Carolle Ternus cternus at texas.net
Sat Sep 23 14:11:49 PDT 2006

Greetings Ansteorra,

We had several excellent bids for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition in 2007.  The Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, Mistress Gwyneth, has chosen to go with the bid from Rosenfeld.  We want to thank the other 2 groups for putting together such good bids and to encourage you to continue to put bids in for Kingdom events.  Just because  you didn't get this one, doesn't mean you won't get the next.  

We look forward to seeing many of you in February at the Competition.  More information will be shared as we get it.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or Mistress Gwyneth.

Thank you,
Radegund of Tours
Deputy KMoAS, Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition
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