[Ansteorra-announce] A Good Time Will Be Had By All!

kclement at verizon.net kclement at verizon.net
Wed Apr 18 00:52:43 PDT 2007

Hail and Well Met to the fair populace of Ansteorra!

This is Lord Gregor Elfingstone, Herald to Their Excellencies of the Barony of 
Raven's Fort.  I shall be traveling to the lands of my neighbors, Their 
Excellencies of Stargate, to assist with field heraldry for what is shaping to 
be a tremendous day of chivalric and rapier fighting.  
The event is Stargate Baronial and all are invited to attend and enjoy!

Due to real-life obligations, as well as a host of other reasons, many field 
heralds will be otherwise engaged this weekend of the 21st.   Therefore, I am 
formally inviting all available field heralds to come out to assist me in 
crying the field for our most valient and fierce competitors!  

In addition, I would like to point out that this would be a perfect 
opportunity for anyone looking to try out field heraldry for the first time, 
or to simply assist the list master or mistress in other ways, to come out to 
assist the Barony.  Yes!  I'm talking to you!  

Field Heraldry can be as exciting and rewarding as Book or Court Heraldry, but 
unlike the other branches of heraldry, Field Heraldry takes very little 
preparation and can be done by anyone with a little enthusiasm.  As much as I 
would like to say that only someone of my incredible talents can do the job 
properly, the truth is that being a field herald is within anyone's reach, and 
I'll be there to give any assistance a fledgling herald needs.  Field Heraldry 
is one of my personal favorites of all SCAdian activities.  It's a way to be a 
part of the action and still be able to watch the action.  

Literally, the best of both worlds.  

If this sounds like something you'd like to try, please contact me or simply 
see me at the list table on the day of the event.  

But wait!  There's more!

On a related note, even if you believe field heraldry isn't your cup of mead, 
but still want to get involved, the water bearers would love the help as well.  
They are another very worthy and fun group to hang out with, not to mention an 
easy job that is very much appreciated by all SCAdians.

That's all for now.  I hope to see you all at the event!

In Service, 

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