[Ansteorra-announce] Authorizations and other fighter details for Gulf War

Ansteorra Kingdom Rapier Marshal rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org
Sun Feb 25 12:22:28 PST 2007

To all rapier fighters intending to attend Gulf Wars:

    * Do NOT come to Gulf Wars and expect to get authorized there. We
      will not be doing fighter authorizations to be effective at Gulf
      Wars so if you are not already authorized when you arrive you will
      not be able to fight in the battles and tournaments.

    * Don't forget your green card. Ansteorran marshals will also accept
      the temporary authorization form but do not expect marshals from
      other kingdoms to recognize them or allow you to fight if you do
      not have a green card.

    * If you have waited this late to get authorized it may already be
      too late. Contact your regional marshal *today* and see if you can
      make arrangements to meet with an authorizing marshal.
          o This MUST happen at an SCA event. Local fighter practices
            count for this but not private practices.
          o Make sure the forms are mailed to the Marshalate Secretary
            at once. If the mail runs well and if she is not too swamped
            you might get a back a green card in time. If not, bring
            your Temporary Authorization form.
          o To find the Marshalate Secretary's mailing address, look in
            the back of the Black Star under Deputy Marshals (pg 31 in
            the March issue).

    * You do not need to be authorized to practice at Gulf Wars but you
      do need fully legal armor and you must follow all society rules.
      Ansteorra's rapier rules are very similar to society rules so
      there is very little you are allowed do at Gulf Wars that you
      cannot do here at home.

    * When you come to inspection, bring your picture ID with you.
      Marshals who do not know you well will ask for that ID and will
      not inspect you without it.

    * We will be doing rapier inspection for one hour in the mornings at
      the Ansteorran pavilion. This will be done Tuesday through
      Saturday. On Monday we will run inspection around noon instead. We
      are lucky to be able to inspect this way since the armored
      fighters must go to the field for all their inspections.

    * NO fighting is allowed in the camps. This is a Gulf Wars policy.
      If you violate this rule you may be asked to leave the site. If
      you wish to practice, go to the rapier field (see a GW map).

    * Last year body to body contact (fleeting contact) was not allowed
      at all. This year...we don't know yet. In any case, fighters from
      other kingdoms will not be accustomed to it so it would be best
      not to use it on them. If you actually hurt someone or cause a
      problem using this I will not be on your side in the mess that
      will follow.

    * Fighters WILL be allowed to practice Cut & Thrust at Gulf Wars
      this year. Yea!

    * Read the combat conventions for Gulf Wars *before* you go. If you
      violate those rules, "I did not know," will not be an acceptable
      excuse. Unfortunately they have not yet been updated for this
      year, but they should be soon. Check the GulfWars.org site.

Christian Doré, Kingdom Rapier Marshal

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